Join The My Island Jamaica Affiliate Program
And Earn 50% Commissions!

You've come to love our amazing books, right?
(If you missed the page that showcased them, you can find it here)

Well special announcement✨🎉!
I'm happy to report that you now can earn big by becoming a reseller, aka an affiliate with us!

And yes you saw right, I'm giving 50% commissions - basically splitting the commission equally! 

And I'm proud to say we do way better than the 4 to 10% some of the big wigs promise.

Any back to business the business at hand😊

Signing Up As An Affiliate Is Easy!

It takes only a few minutes and is completely free to join!


How it Works

  • You register and receive a unique link to sales page on my website.

  • Others follow YOUR link to my page and make a purchase (up to six months after)

  • You get credited automatically for the purchases - Yes, 50%!
    (Here again are the list of the books - the choice is yours)

  • At the end of the month, I'll deposit your commissions in your PayPal account electronically - within 2 weeks of the month following a completed sales month.

  • For example, commission for sales made in November would be paid out by the first two weeks in December.

  • That's all!

Get Started Now

To sign up to our affiliate program, you'll just need...

  1. An active Paypal account (to collect your payments) and then
  2. Register on (never mind the odd name).

To sign up, follow these steps:

  1. Click here to go to E-Junkie
  2. If you are not already logged into E-junkie, this will take you to E-junkie's login/registration page where you can:
    • Log into your existing E-junkie account OR
    • Register for a new account if you don't have one

  3. Once registered, you will arrive at Affiliate Admin
  4. Click Get Affiliate Code
  5. For each book to promote, just select the book from the drop down box and click Get Affiliate Code.

    Note: If for some reason you don't see the book in the drop down box, just search for it in the in search bar.

  6. When it appears, click on it, and then scroll to the bottom and click where it says, "Click here to join the Affiliate program".)

  7. Copy and paste the link code given into the HTML source of your own web page, or share it on your blog or social media account. Thats it!

Other Easy Ways To Promote Your Link (code) And get Sales

  1. Send it in an email to your friends, clients and subscribers, especially those who might have and interest in Jamaica.

  2. Post comments in related Blogs and Forums - include the link.
    Just don't spam please.

  3. Put the link in your email signature.

  4. Share with your Facebook, Instagram, TickTok, YouTube and Twitter Friends

  5. etc

That's it! Thanks for your interest in partnering.
I wish you lots of sales and hefty commissions :-) 

For more instructions and sign-up directions, click here to go over to or just contact me here.

And if not yet done, please hop across now and take a look at these amazing books, yes the same awesome resources that are helping persons across the world discover the real Jamaica.

Wellesley Gayle
Founder & CEO,

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  2. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable.

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