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Historical Events in Jamaica

by Jack Thompson

Historical Events in Jamaica


What is a historical event in Jamaican history?

Answer: Feb-13-2009 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the question.

We have quite a few notable events in Jamaica's history.

Here is a quick summary by key dates leading up to Independence in 1962.

  • 1494- Christopher Columbus discovered the island.

  • 1509- The Spaniards occupied the country and remained in possession for 146 years.

  • 1655- The English captured the island from the Spaniards and colonized the territory.

  • 1692- Port Royal, which had become the focal point of the pirates plundering the Caribbean and Central America, was destroyed by earthquake and Kingston became subsequently the chief city and port.

  • 1838- Slaves were emancipated and the economy foundered due to the crisis on the plantations.

  • 1848- Britainโ€™s free trade policy led to a further deterioration in the Jamaican economy because sugar protection was lifted and Jamaican sugar was in competition with cheaper sugar from elsewhere.

  • 1865- The Morant Bay Rebellion broke out after prolonged disputes between the planters and the settlers.

  • 1866- Crown Colony Government replaced the old system of representative government.

  • 1870- An export trade in bananas replaced the predominance of sugar and restored the islandโ€™s economy.

  • 1944- Universal adult suffrage was introduced under the new Constitution and proved to be the first step in the gradual move toward independence.

  • 1953- A full ministerial system was established.

  • 1958- Jamaica joined the federation of the West Indies, which was an association of 10 British Island territories in which Jamaica and Trinidad were the largest.

  • 1959- The country was granted full internal self-government.

  • 1961- Jamaica voted in a Referendum to secede from the Federation of the West Indies and to achieve Independence.

  • 1962- The Federation was dissolved and Jamaica became independent on August 6th.

Here's the full story on the history of Jamaica.

Comments for Historical Events in Jamaica

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Nov 04, 2012
a wish NEW
by: Jemimah Robinson

i am glad that our heroes help to bring independence but i wish that we were still colonized by the Spanish so we would be speaking Spanish

Jul 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

You mean in 1494 that Columbus stole Jamaica from the Spaniards. He didn't discover squat. ESPECIALLY MI BEAUTIFUL JAMAICA!

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