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In Our Jamaica Editorial

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Do you have an interesting story (or experience) about Jamaica? Or perhaps looking to visit here soon?

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I'd LOVE to hear from you.

It’s brand new and I'm officially opening this forum to get your feedback, yes YOU and others like you, who visit my site.

I've written a lot but now it's time to hear from you my friend.

Since you are on this page then I think I can safely assume you have some interest in Jamaica right? Whether you or your family lives here, you are researching information on Jamaica or looking to vacation here - if not already done.

So you should have an opinion, a comment, an idea, a question, a concern or some suggestions about something Jamaican - or perhaps even a worthy commendation for someone, right?

Of course you do!
Then use this opportunity my friend.

My only request is that you keep your feedback respectful and clean - deal? :-)

So whether it is politics, sports, education, business or entertainment, feel free to share your views with us; let your voice be heard.

And speaking of getting heard, do note that your feedback will be visible to the now over 150,000 other Jamaican interests visiting this site every month! Cool huh?

So come on now, get it off your chest! Let's hear from you.

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And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

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Here's What Other Visitors Have Shared...

Click below to see submission by other visitors like yourself...

Oh No! No Republic for Jamaica Please 
I saw your article on Jamaica becoming a republic and note it with great interest. I am not Jamaican but love Jamaica and all things Jamaican. I assure …

Brand New Year - Happy 2022 🥂 
Brand new day, brand new month, brand new year, brand new opportunities! Happy New Year Peeps! #2022 I sighed just as I was about to type this... …

The History of Portland, Jamaica 
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Attractions in Portland Jamaica - Fun Places To Visit in Portland Jamaica Photo: …

My Jamaican Sea Moss Harvesting Adventure | How We Harvest Jamaican Irish Moss 
Earlier this week, I had the wonderful accompany my friend, Ms (Maxine) James and her family to do sea moss (Irish Moss) harvesting. It has been long …

Jamaican Herbs That Help With Weight Loss 
Jamaican Vervain Chances are you, or perhaps someone you know, have tried one of the many quick and easy weight loss programs and supplements, …

Jamaicans Vote Today September 3, 2020 | Who Will Win? 
Today, September 3, 2020, Jamaicans go to the polls to elect the party that will manage the country's affairs for the next 5 years, maximum. From …

Jamaican Art | The Problem As I See It 
Why do we insist on poetry, music , art etc having some kind of Afrocentric relation or patois in order for them to gain the title "Jamaican art"? …

Joyful Learning is better learning 
Report from: The Joyful Learning Seminar at the Knutsford Court Hotel, March 5. There have been many advancements in our collective understanding of …

Jamaica's Population Is Declining 
I was drawn to an article on Irie FM, one of our popular radio stations here in Jamaica, that reported our population declined in 2018 (over 2017). …

The Marcus Garvey Way  
My New Found Journey “The Marcus Garvey Way Foundation” One God, One Nation One Education What does it means to be truly educated? Why would they …

DOING GOOD In The Neighborhood | How A US Based Charity Organization Is Impacting The Lives Of Jamaica's Most Vulnerable 
JAMAICA IS GOOD! And I say that despite some of the chilling and heart breaking news you sometimes get in media - traditional and social media. …

Has society altered the value of education? 
The term education is seen as the means by which one learns and applies new knowledge or information. It is seen as a tool for using knowledge to improve …

How did Jamaica gain independence? 
Jamaicans celebrate independence annually on August 6. It is a day of remembrance surrounding our freedom from colonialism and allows us to appreciate …

Beware - 1 Surprising Way To Lose Your Jamaican Property - Without Even Realizing 
Did you know you can lose your land - even if you are paying your taxes? So you have been living overseas for a while but your real intention is …

Finding Yourself - In Living For Others  
Presentation To Students At Springfield All Age School by Wellesley Gayle “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” ~ Albert Einstein …

Dogs And Cats Are Now Welcome To Jamaica 
Sometime in 2009, Stephanie asked me this question: Can I bring my dog to Jamaica with me? . My answer created a stir I tell you! The following …

Happy New Year 2018 - From My Family To Yours 
What a blessing! We made it yet again to the end of another year! I say, "To God Be The Glory"! And as we transition into the new year, I …

Transgender Female Retiring in Jamaica? 
Well am putting this out there for people in the know, I am a 70 yr old Transgender female that has gender re assignment surgery so in effect am legally …

WHAT IS JAMAICA?... Jamaica is ' Rum and Red Stripe.' Jamaica is 'Kola Champagne & Manish Water.' Jamaica is ' Jerk Pork , Scotch …

Jamaica 55 - Main Events & Activities || Celebrating Jamaicans Home And Abroad 
by Wellesley Gayle, August 2017 New! Missed the Big Grand Gala? Click Here And Watch The Live Recording The entire Jamaica is a buzz …

Live from monkey island in Jamaica 
by Wellesley Gayle, June 2017 Wellesley 'monkey-ing' on Jamaica's Monkey Island Did you know that there is a monkey island in Jamaica? Yes, …

Happy New Year 
As you probably know, this web site is extremely close to me. And why so you asked? Well, I love my country, and I love to share it, and so you'd …

11 Signs It's Almost Christmas in Jamaica 
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas in Jamaica The Fun & Exciting Jamaican Christmas Traditions Photo: Decorated …

How To Order Groceries Online In Jamaica | Top Five Errand and Ecommerce Businesses In My Opinion 
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Tasteful Jamaican Gifts and Souvenirs Shopping online has become a significant part of …

Click here to write your own.

A Love Story - In Spectacular Performance (Video) 
Yesterday, during a consultative visit to my daughter's oral surgeon, here in Montego Bay, I ran into an old college mate, Silma. Silma is one of the …

Covid Testing Locations In Jamaica 
A few days ago my cousin Andy reached out to me from the USA. He apparently has a friend who was leaving Jamaica to visit the USA who learned that he …

My Interview - About Me, Places To Visit, & My Hope For Jamaica 
I think you'll like this! But first let me apologize to you... I had this interview to share with you but have been putting it off, or should I say, …

Jamaican National Awards & Honours 
The Jamaica National Awards & Honours program was established under THE NATIONAL HONOURS AND AWARDS ACT on July 18, 1969. This Act made it possible …

Why is Jamaica not prospering? 
Jamaica has more churches per capita than any other nation in the world so why is it not blessed when the Bible says in Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation …

Bad News, Good News 
I hope you are doing well today. I consider you (and all my website fans) a very important part of my life, and so, I feel I need to bring you up to …

Jamaica's Usain Bolt Won Gold - Again! 
Yessssss! Our very own Usain Bolt defied the odds today to re-write his name in the record books, and perhaps equally important, save the sport of Athletics. …

Proud & Free, Jamaica 53! 
Yup, its "Emancipendence" time again and the buzz is all across Jamaica my friend. This year, the official tagline is "Proud & Free, Jamaica 53"! …

Fa'Real's new single "Only One" picking up heat 
Road Runnaz Ent. recording artiste FaReal has now earn his spot on the list of new dancehall sensations to watch for 2015 and beyond. The young and …

Jamaican Christmas Tree - what is its correct name? 
Hey buddy, I need your help! Late last month, Nov 25, to be exact, I got this email from Barbara, a new subscriber and reader of my website. …

We are expecting! 
Last week I told my most ardent website fans that I have something special to share with them this week? And so today, I'm breaking the news here! …

Jamaican Cuisine On Display At University Of Maine 
Yes, on March 25th, the University Of Maine's York Dining Hall will come alive with the captivating aroma and tastes of Jamaica! Yours truly got this …

Jamaican Bush Teas - Oldie But (Still) Goodie 
by Wellesley First Published January, 2015 Aunt V having her favourite Jamaican Tea Last Sunday, I was listening to a particular program on one …

Happy Holidays From Jamaica! 
At this joyous time of year, I am taking the opportunity to say how grateful I am to be able to share my passion (and my life) with you via this little …

11 Year Old Jamaican Girl Gets National Award For Gallantry 
(JIS Article)It is a deed many would have shied away from, but then only 10 years old, Toni-Ann Miller, in a courageous act of selflessness, rushed into …

Chikungunya (Chik-V) In Jamaica 
Over the last few weeks, few issues have been as topical as the mosquito-borne Chikungunya virus in Jamaica. In fact, (and sadly so) it has reached …

Jamaica - I long to be home 
Hey, First off...Wellesley, you do a great job! Readers I tell you, I have such a longing for the day I pack my bags and return to Jamaica for good. …

A Rich Jamaican Coffee Experience  
Last week, I received an interesting message via my 'contact me' link on my website. It was from (yet) another ardent fan of …

Hurricane Gilbert In Jamaica 1988 - Memories & Facts 
I was listening to our RJR this morning, one of the local radio stations in Jamaica and was reminded of the calamity brought on the island by the infamous …

Jamaica's Laws - We need to know them 
It's important to know your rights as a Jamaican.... in fact it's essential for a human to know his/her right as a individual in any country. Since …

Licensed Tattoo Artists In Jamaica 
Click Here to review the list of Jamaican tattoo artists. Click Here to add a tattoo artist to this list (as a comment) Over the last year …

Re: Your Wedding Anniversary At Riu Palace Jamaica 
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Gayle on your wedding anniversary. With this kind of accommodation, I must say it says it all! Happy anniversary, and I wish …

Brazil 2014 -Schedule Of Matches - World Cup Soccer  
We loooove football! (we actually say 'football' not soccer). In my background to football in Jamaica I highlight that. And although Jamaica didn't …

Classmates from Calabar all age school in Kingston Jamaica on Sutton Road 
Hi my name is Yvonne Clarke I am looking for classmates from Calabar all age school in Kingston Jamaica on Sutton Road our street downtown Kingston Jamaica. …

Blue Hole Attraction in St Mary Jamaica 
Good day everyone: This is Cheryl from St Andrew and just this morning at work, I heard about this fascinating place that has truly captured my interest …

Click here to write your own.

Question On Jamaica's History - 1947-49 
What happened in Jamaica 1947/49 that had a profound impact on the future history of the Caribbean island. Who planned the assassination of Alexander …

Wellesley Gayle Featured In the Jamaica Gleaner 
Yup! Just as the title above says, yours truly was featured in the prestigious Jamaica Gleaner (Western Focus edition) newspaper. I am truly humbled: …

Jamaican Games - The Good Ole' Stuff 
I was reading a little book called Jamaican Games & Riddles that brought back some really wonderful memories. It reminded me of some of our most fun …

Jamaican Men 
I have been to Jamaica and it is a beautiful island with beautiful people. However I have found Jamaican men to be very deceitful. I was dating a …

My Jamaican Breakfast - Liver with boiled bananas + yams - yummy! 
There are so many topics to write about regarding Jamaica. Since in almost everything, I like to limit my choices to three (3), I will talk about one …

Jamaica's Tessanne Chin Delivers! 
***** Update -Dec 17th - 10:50pm EST! : Tessanne Chin Was Announced The Winner for The Voice - 2013 . Thanks to all those who help us to …

Cell phone roaming charges in Jamaica  
Your article on cell phone rental in Jamaica was a real interesting piece. Not only did it make me more aware of using mobile phones in Jamaica, …

Gays and Lesbians in Jamaica 
I understand that life in Jamaica is extremely dangerous for gay and lesbian people in Jamaica. This is something that is never really publicized and …

Important Dates And Events In Jamaica's History 
I went to a local cyber cafe recently and realized that a number of students were actually looking for these - important (key) events and dates in the …

Jamaican Ginger 
So you love Jamaican ginger huh? But what do you know about this remarkable spice? You might already know that Ginger is native to Asia, but Did …

Jamaican Breadfruit 
Did you know that breadfruit is considered an almost complete meal? This is because it provides many of the core nutrition including minerals that …

Happy New Year 2014 
I want to share my heartful appreciation and gratitude to all my website subscribers, fans and friends for their continued dedication, love and support …

Jamaican Jerk Chicken 
A snapshot of mouth watering Jerk Chicken that was been sold at the Mobay Jerk Festival held on 01 August 2013. Wellesley's Note . Kameka submitted …

How To Send Free Text Messages To Jamaica 
Here's How to Send Free text messages to Jamaica (and even within Jamaica) Every wonder how to send a free text message to a Jamaican mobile number …

Brother Anansi - Tales and Stories  
Anancy the famous spider has been known in Jamaica for a long time. Back in the days when there was no television, parents and grandparents would tell …

Jamaican Patois 
If you plan to visit Jamaica, then it would be great for you to learn at least some of the basics of Jamaican Patois. This will make it much easier for …

A Jamaican Connection 
Hi, I recently went to Jamaica and I had such a great experience. I am a female, and I wasn't expecting the men to be so aggressive and wanting of …

Bob Marley, The Man - A Poem by Denise Salmon 
Bob Marley, The Man He wanted love, peace and unity to reign So his people would never be enslaved again And even though murderers tried to kill …

Towns in Jamaica - Places In Jamaica with the the word 'town' in it. 
As a follow up to our fun list places in Jamaica with PEN names , I now present you all the TOWNS in Jamaica :-) Meaning, all the place names …

My life in Jamaica 
My new life in Jamaica started in 2007. I sold up, left work and came to Jamaica where I built a home in the beautiful hills of Trelawny. I am originally …

Carlong Publishers Acknowleges continues to be recognized by the media and other local institutions with a recent written acknowledgement by Carlong Publishers …

Best Jamaican Folk Songs - E to L of Golden Collection 
Click Here to see the complete list Evening Time Come Miss Claire Tek de bankra off yu head mi dear, Evening breeze a blow, Come dis way Miss …

Best Jamaican Folk Songs- The Golden Collection 
I came home tired, decided I am going to take an early one. It was a rough day so I just needed to get some sleep. I was just going to check my emails …

Best Jamaican Folk Songs - A to D of Golden Collection 
Click Here to see the complete list A Weh Yu Ben Deh A weh yu ben deh gal, mek me no get nuh tea A weh yu ben deh gal, mek me no get nuh tea …

Places with 'Pen' names in Jamaica - What with them? How Many Are There? 
QUESTION about: Place Names In Jamaica How many more places in Jamaica have the word "Pen" included in them? What is its significance in Jamaican …

Click here to write your own.

How To Apply For Permanent Resident Status In Jamaica 
"How can I get permanent resident status in Jamaica?" Outside of "will I be safe in Jamaica?" question, that is probably the single most popular question …

Memories of Jamaica 
They say first impressions are lasting impressions. The first time I set foot on the beautiful island of Montego Bay , Jamaica I was hooked. …

Jamaica Festival Songs - Popular (Winning) Songs Since 1966 
The Jamaica Festival Song Competition, also called the Popular Song Competition , and before 1990, known as the Independence Festival Song Competition …

Girls Trip To Jamaica - They fell in love with Jamaica 
I have been to Jamaica several times with my husband and in-laws! Last year I had the pleasure of planning a girls trip with some of my family to …

The Hunt for Quality Healthcare In Jamaica 
There is peace that radiates from becalmed plaques of Caribbean Sea decorated with happy families bobbing and weaving in its cool waters. That calm is …

Great Jamaican Charity Ideas 
Greetings! I need your feedback. One of my ardent website visitors and passionate fan of Jamaica sent me an email earlier. She is looking to start …

Want to go to Jamaica -should I go? 
QUESTION: I have a friend in Jamaica. He is a really cool guy, and an excellent artist. I have been in the tattoo business my whole life, and am just …

Kaleechi Falls - Untouched Jamaica - How Can I get there? 
QUESTION: Anyone knows how to get to Kaleechi falls ANSWER: by Wellesley Gayle, March 04 Thanks for your question Ingrid, love it! Why? …

Volcanic Activity In Jamaica? Or Mystery Fire? 
A mystery fire? Obeah? End Times? or Volcanic Activity? Those are the questions on the minds of the residents of Moffat (Mt. Vernon) in Trinityville …

Tapioca Village Resort is truly Jamaican 
Greetings One and ALL, I had a chance to visit Tapioca Village this past June (2014) and was immensely impressed. The welcome was warm and so Jamaican, …

Jamaican Scientists 
This year (2013) , we celebrate the 51st year of independence and a lot of focus was on our athletes and our heroes. It is probably also a good time …

Health Benefits Of Sorrel Drink 
In Jamaica sorrel is consumed as a drink mainly at Christmas time . It is usually boiled with ginger and then left to cool before it is strained and …

Jamaica is home, I would not live anywhere else 
Looks good so far, some positive, some negative, some either way..I am a Jamaican, been living here all my life except for a sojourn to school in my youth. …

Jamaican Athletes - The Poem 
by Denise Salmon ...In appreciation of Jamaica's performance at the 2013 Athletics World Championship in Moscow. 2013 World Champions Top Athletes, …

Jamaican Place Names with the word 'Crawle" attached 
In 1692 an earthquake and tidal wave destroyed about two-thirds of Port Royal, (which at the time was an island off the coast of Jamaica). Those whose …

Jamaican Mangoes 
In Jamaica Mango season starts somewhere between April and May and ends in July or August - generally speaking. And by the way, almost all Jamaicans …

Jamaica - Wi likkle but wi tallahwah Not rated yet
In the last 15 years there have been 12 global athletic games, 4 Olympics and 8 World Championships. In those 12 global events 36 medals have been …

How Can I Get My Divorce Papers in Jamaica? Not rated yet
RESPONSE: by Sheree-Anita Shearer My former wife refuses to give me the divorce paper and I need to get married. Can I go to the Supreme court …

What are the best adult-only resorts in Jamaica? Not rated yet
Greetings, My Wife and I are looking to book a trip to Jamaica, and we need your HELP. Here is what we are looking for: ADULT ONLY Awesome …

Jamaican Deaf Woman Shares Her Inspirational Story | Meet Donna Hunt Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Jamaican Blind Man Shares Real Life Experiences | Robert "Bunn" Lawson Seeing Donna at …

Top 10 Items In A Barrel From Overseas to Jamaica | Tips to Follow When Shipping Barrels to Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas Shopping In Jamaica - 11 Awesome Tips So it’s Christmastime! There is a lot …

10 Fun Facts About Old Time Christmas In Jamaica Not rated yet
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas In Jamaica | 12 Must-Haves At A Jamaican Christmas Dinner Photo: Decorated Christmas …

7 Words And Phrases Used Incorrectly in Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : 21 Short, Funny & Timeless, Jamaican Sayings & Proverbs Photo: National Flag …

Jamaicans And Retirement Savings Plan (Pension Plan) – 10 Surprising Facts Not rated yet
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : Money in Jamaica Photo: Mr. Kenneth Brewster Have you ever wondered why so many Jamaicans …

Congratulations Jamaica On Winning Miss World Title (Again) Not rated yet
We live in Canada and we, my family, are so very proud of our little country. Our achievements are profound and so awe inspiring to the young black …

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I am where I belong (In Jamaica) - and loving it! Not rated yet
Wellesley, Just staying in touch with you and one of my favourite Jamaican online magazines, ! Someone asked me if I miss …

Christmas Hacks! 12 Survival Tips For The Holiday Season Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas in Jamaica The Fun & Exciting Jamaican Christmas Traditions Photo: Beautifully …

Parkinson's Disease In Jamaica Not rated yet
There is a clear trend! Despite been in the minority, persons and family of persons with dementia are seeking support. This submission came in from …

Tourist arrival statistics for Jamaica  Not rated yet
That was very good Information. I often wonder how many tourists visited Jamaica per year. Thank you RESPONSE: by Wellesley …

You Make it Easy Wellesley Not rated yet
I have been following you for quite a while and I have always found your articles to be accurate, and informative. Even as you cover a wide range of …

Toots And The Maytals Rocked Nevada County, California Not rated yet
I've just learned that Toots And The Maytals is still at it! This time, rocking a World Music Festival in California! Well done gentlemen! According …

Indigenous Jamaican Maroon Decendant - What Are The Rights And Remedies Available? Not rated yet
Greetings... I am a American Citizen and descendant of the Original Jamaican Tainos indigenous people (DNA Confirmed). I am writing to inquire what …

6 Dying Christmas Traditions Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : How Do Jamaicans Celebrate Christmas? | 10 Special Events In The Holiday Season …

Honourable Louise Bennett-Coverley to be the next National Hero of Jamaica? Not rated yet
Jamaica is ready for another National Hero. The time is right. This is your opportunity to make this happen by signing this petition. A hero is a person …

History Of Education In Jamaica Not rated yet
The History Of Education In Jamaica || Contributed by Barbara King Education in Jamaica has come a long way in the past few hundred years. In …

Genealogy & Jamaica Not rated yet
Hello, I am Shirley Marks Whitmore, an avid genealogical researcher. After many years of being involved in traditional gen research I resorted to trying …

There is NO yellow in the Jamaica Flag! Not rated yet
Can you help to spread the word that there is NO yellow in the Jamaica Flag? There is a vast difference between yellow and gold. We cannot be the only …

Foreign Ink, Tattoo & Piercing In Kingston Jamaica Not rated yet
Foreign Ink is the cleanest and most professional tattoo studio in the island, Jamaica. Foreign Ink also boast the largest selection of body jewelry …

13 Weird Laws in Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : A Handy Listing of Jamaican laws Photo: Laws of Jamaica One of my favourite …

Breaking News! I've achieved 1,000 YouTube Subscribers Not rated yet
Yup, I got this email (below) from YouTube recently, along with the photo, and I am ecstatic about it! What is all my excitement …

Politics In Jamaica - How Can I Get Involved? Not rated yet
I immigrated to the UK when I was six and now 46 years later my wife and I are moving back. Prime minister Holeness appears to be a great …

8 Special Christmas Television Programmes In Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Top 13 Television Programmes in Jamaica Christmas is important to us for many reasons. …

Congratulations Wellesley! Not rated yet
Hearty Congratulations Wellesley! You have progressed from strength to strength, and achieved giant steps! So proud of this essential activity, …

Jamaican Music - Where It Really Started Not rated yet
Hello and good day I've been reading your articles on Jamaica independence and another article, Jamaica's Sweet Reggae Music - 'The Music of the Soul.' …

Pellew Island is not Monkey Island! Not rated yet
You are correct that Monkey Island is near Folly Ruins and that Hiram Bingham III imported the monkeys as a gift for his father-in-law and owner of Folly …

13 Signs Your Neighbour Is Jamaican Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : 14 Things Jamaicans Get Stereotyped For - Are They True? Photo: Jamaican Flag …

Rockland's Bird Sanctuary | Birds In Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : The Jamaica Hummingbird Beautiful, Graceful, Dutiful Photo: Feeding the Hummingbird …

Remembering The Jamaican Historian Not rated yet
Re: Your article On The Passing Of The Local Historian Brother Gayle: I watched both your videos — you were just in time to record and honour …

Jamaica’s old gun technology - at Fort Montego Not rated yet
Montego Bay , the capital of the parish of St. James, is often dubbed the second city. It is marketed worldwide as the tourist capital of Jamaica …

Jamaican Ortanique Fruit | Fun Fact Not rated yet
Here's a quick DID YOU KNOW for you today. Did you know... that the fruit Ortanique is native to Jamaica? Oh yes, it was propagated right here in …

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Hi all, I run the above Jamaican music society in the UK and goes out as part of the 'Heavy Soul' fanzine/magazine. My newsletter consists of articles/reviews …

Surprise! A Baby Turtle In My BackYard Not rated yet
Is This My Christmas Gift? by Wellesley || Dec 25, 2017 The strangest thing happened today my friend! I found a baby turtle in my backyard! …

7 Heart Healthy Spices Found In Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Top 7 Jamaican Spices The Source Of Our Secret Blends Photo: Jamaican Turmeric …

Top 13 Television Programmes in Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Famous Jamaican Actors, Playwrights and Beauty Contestants Photo: Logo - Television …

Work Jamaican Style, What You’ll Need To Succeed Not rated yet
Thinking about working and living in Jamaica? Work Jamaican style means networking the right way so you can succeed and prosper while enjoying the many …

10 Classic Jamaican Christmas Songs Not rated yet
by Kay Grant | Associate Writer See Also : How Do Jamaicans Celebrate Christmas? | 10 Special Events In The Holiday Season Sigh...a Jamaican …

Very Superstitious...10 Old Wives' Tales Jamaicans Still Believe Not rated yet
by Kay Grant | Associate Writer See Also : Jamaican Folklore Exposed! 53 Surprisingly Common Beliefs & Practices Jamaicans are really superstitious …

Patrick "Scully" Williams | Master Woodworker in Jamaica Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Key Tips to Rearing Rabbits in Jamaica - Shamari's Rabbitry Farm The people of Jamaica …

Jamaican Guide to Christmas Gifts | Top 10 Gifts for Christmas Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas Shopping In Jamaica - 11 Awesome Tips One of the most stressful things about …

Christmas Shopping In Jamaica - 11 Awesome Tips Not rated yet
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : How Do Jamaicans Celebrate Christmas? | 10 Special Events In The Holiday Season 'Tis the season …

Black Sapote | The Chocolate Pudding Fruit Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : 10 Most Loved Fruits In Jamaica Nature never ceases to amaze me! The flora and fauna …

Do Jamaicans Celebrate Thanksgiving? Not rated yet
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : Christmas in Jamaica The Fun & Exciting Jamaican Christmas Traditions Photo: Wellesly's …

Captivated by my Jamaican Memories. Not rated yet
I migrated from Jamaica to New York City, New York, but one thing I have never forgotten is where I came from. In the early years after my migration in …

Colin A. Palmer, Jamaican Historian Dies At 75 Not rated yet
Hey guys, I just ran into a news item from The New York Times where they reported that notable Jamaican historian and son of Lambs River in Westmoreland …

Christmas In Jamaica | 12 Must-Haves At A Jamaican Christmas Dinner Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : How Do Jamaicans Celebrate Christmas? | 10 Special Events In The Holiday Season …

How Do Jamaicans Celebrate Christmas? | 10 Special Events In The Holiday Season Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : 11 Signs It's Almost Christmas in Jamaica Photo: Christmas Tree Lighting in Sam …

The History Of Banana In Jamaica Not rated yet
Did you know that Jamaica was the first commercial producer of bananas in the Western Hemisphere? Oh Yeah! It began in 1866 And did you also know …

Black Friday Sale In Jamaica - What To Expect Not rated yet
by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer See Also : 11 Signs It's Almost Christmas in Jamaica There is no doubt, Jamaicans love to shop, shop and …

my little paper boat -Traditional Jamaican song - do you know it? Not rated yet
Many years ago, maybe in late 50's early 60, they had a children's school choir competition in St Elizabeth, maybe in Maggotty or Balaklava (Balaclava). …

Key Tips to Rearing Rabbits in Jamaica - Shamari's Rabbitry Farm Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Plants and Animals in Jamaica Another Intriguing Aspect of Our Country Recently, we …

History Of Education In Jamaica Not rated yet
Editorial: History Of Education In Jamaica Published September 1, 2016 Hello Sir. Wellesley, greetings. I am in the process of reading a feature …

14 Things Jamaicans Get Stereotyped For - Are They True? Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Nope, We Do Not Like That! - 11 Things Jamaicans Dislike Photo: Jamaicans Celebrating …

9 'Scriptures' Jamaicans Think Are In The Bible But Aren't Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Major Jamaica Religions What & Who Are They? Photo: The Holy Bible Jamaica …

Dancehall’s New School – 10 Jamaican Dancehall Artistes Making Waves Right Now Not rated yet
by Kay Grant | Associate Writer See Also : 7 Best Jamaican Dancehall Videos Of All Time Dancehall is enjoying a welcomed resurgence in the …

11 Popular Jamaican Breakfast Items Not rated yet
by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer See Also : Jamaica's Ackee And Saltfish Recipe Photo: Jamaica's National Dish - Ackee and …

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The New School – 10 New Artistes Making an Impact on Reggae Music in Jamaica Not rated yet
by Kay Grant | Associate Writer See Also : Top 10, Most Influential Jamaican Artistes In My Opinion Photo: Rising Reggae Star Koffee …

10 Most Popular Jamaican Proverbs With Translations and Meanings Not rated yet
by Kay Grant | Associate Writer See Also : 21 Short, Funny & Timeless, Jamaican Sayings & Proverbs The Jamaican populace is most certainly …

Jamaica's Migration History Not rated yet
With the ongoing work-study, farm and hotel work programs in the USA and Canada attracting many Jamaicans, I was motivated to share some useful information …

Montego Bay Craft Market - An Inside Scoop Not rated yet
It started as an casual walk, but then I saw the possibilities! Not only did it turned out to be a very educational trip for me, it gave me an opportunity …

The Lead Up To Jamaica's Independence In 1962 Not rated yet
In 1956, The West Indies Federation was established by the British Caribbean Federation Act with the objective of establishing a political union and …

2019 Jamaica Independence Message by Prime Minister Andrew Holness Not rated yet
The following is Jamaica's 2019 Independence message by Prime Minister, The Most Hon. Andrew Holness. He spoke about our achievements, but also …

We are free Jamaicans, let's celebrate and embrace our freedom Not rated yet
To all my fellow Jamaicans happy independece. I thank my foreparents for the hardship, struggles and fight they have been through for this day to be possible. …

The Maroons of Jamaica Not rated yet
I really don't have much of as story to share, but I have a few questions which I think you are in a the unique position to get some answers for, if you …

Jamaican Homes by Gore - Questions & Answers Not rated yet
If you are considering a (or another) home in Jamaica, this might interest you well. There is an reputable local company called Gore Developments which …

Cancer In Jamaica: Raising the Awareness Not rated yet
Hello Wellesley, Recently I was watching "CIN" news station and they were highlighting the topic on how cancer is becoming on of the health hazard in …

Harbour Street In Montego Bay, What is it like now? Not rated yet
My company Masterton Ltd. opened a company building in Montego Bay in the 1950's, and I worked there a couple fine times when the manager was going on …

My Christmas in Jamaica Not rated yet
Dear Wellesley I was in Jamaica for Christmas 2014 as it was my first Christmas going back in 38 years! I had a beautiful time! I went to grand market …

Jamaican Christmas Fruit Cake  Not rated yet
Well my cake is currently in the oven. I followed all the instructions you gave ( over here ). I am waiting patiently to see the outcome, wish me luck. …

Merry Christmas Wellesley And Jamaica Not rated yet
Hello Wellesley, It is time to say THANK YOU for your website. You did a good job and you will do it any more. As you know, I am a great lover of your …

Holiday In Jamaica, I Am Really Looking Forward To It Not rated yet
Hello Gaylemon! Just touching base, thanks for your information. I have been home quite often, have a lot of fun! Fish and Bammy, Wray and Nephew …

Another Jamaican falls to be highlighted (YS Falls, St. Elizabeth) Not rated yet
Hi, I was back in Jamaica in 2012 and visited YS Falls in St Elizabeth. As a Jamaican I did not know it existed as I always hear about Dunns River falls …

A Lucrative Travel Business Home Opportunity Not rated yet
FINALLY, A... Simple Travel Business Opportunity that can make you thousands in recurring income! Free Video Below Hi, It's Wellesley …

A Wealth of Jamaica information Not rated yet
I must say I came across this website last year and I am very impress with the wealth of information that is here. Keep up the good work. Editor's …

Jamaica - Something Nice! Not rated yet
What a country! What a people! So, you can get marry in beautiful, Old Hospital Park, "park of love" with sea beside two of you and your guests, if you …

Jamaican Last Names Not rated yet
Editor's Note In reference to the Jamaican last names page. Glad to see that my maternal grandmother's maiden name (Anderson) is so popular. …

Social Welfare In Jamaica - A Historical Perspective Not rated yet
Public Welfare About 1874, 22 parishes were reduced to 14, vestries that ran local government were replaced by Parochial Boards, the Judicial system …

I Need Your Help Not rated yet
I have just posted perhaps the most memorable article to date in all my writing experience although not on this my website. - other stuff has also

Jamaican Breadfruit Pudding Not rated yet
It was harvest time at church! And as customary, the members were divided into groups (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) to add more excitement and creativity …

Playing with FIRE - Jamaican Fire Dancers Amazed Patrons Not rated yet
CRAZY... That's my definition of it if you ask me, seriously. Yes, I know they are professionals, but boy, this one was a bit too risky for me. …

Appreciate Jamaica Not rated yet
The best thing is to set apart the positive from the negative. I love my little Island Jamaica so much so that if am away from it for more than a few months …

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Jamaica Earthquake Preparedness Tips Not rated yet
January 12, 2014 marked the 4th anniversary of the massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated Haiti - our sister Caribbean island. It reportedly …

Jamaican Guineps - Love em! Not rated yet
Hi Wellesley, Thought I'd share a bit about guineps with your readers, one of my favourite fruits here in Jamaica. The guinep is a popular fruit …

Port Royal Jamaica - Then And Now Not rated yet
Located at the mouth of the Kingston Harbor in southeastern Jamaica, Port Royal, once known as the "the wickedest and most sinful city in the world", was …

History Of Reggae Music Not rated yet
Reggae Music was born after Mento, R&B, and Ska music became less popular in the 1960's. The change from Rock Steady to Reggae was pioneered by Jamaican …

Jamaica Photo Contest - The Top 10 Not rated yet
We had a gripping contest - All of 79 adorable photo contest entries were received! But then we had to narrow it down to the Top 10 top 15. …

Not Even a Jamaican Postcard Not rated yet
You may look on this picture and, that can not be a real picture. Photoshop, postcard, commercial, r maybe even a scene from a movie. …

Butterflies of Jamaica Not rated yet
This photo was taken one morning in the first week of August 2013. Got out for my regular garden walk and observed the lone butterfly drinking from …

Jamaican Salted Herring Recipe Not rated yet
While looking for recipes for salted herring and Solomon A Gundy showed up from this website. I actually bought package of smoked, salted herring …

Jamaican Athletes - The Great Men and Women In The Sprints Not rated yet
Jamaican athletes are admired the world over and quite rightly so since we have been dominating the world stage in the sprint events, seconded only by …

Are Jamaican marriages legal in the U.S.A? Not rated yet
Are Jamaican marriages legal in the U.S.A.? The answer is Yes! Every country in the world has a marriage act that governs the institution of marriage …

Independence In Jamaica - Events & Activities Not rated yet
by Denise Salmon See Also : Jamaican Independence Day Even though The British took over Jamaica in 1655, after they won a battle …

Photo Contest Sponsors
We say 'Thank You'
 Not rated yet
"It takes cash to care" You are probably familiar with this saying right? Of course! Well, in our case, it is sponsorship that makes the difference; …

Jamaica's Coffee - Here's The Secret To It's Rich Flavour? Not rated yet
There are many factors accounting for the unique flavor of Jamaican coffee. One of the main ones though is the aromatic coffee beans used here. They …

Jamaica's Rum Not rated yet
Jamaica's Rum is said to be the best in the world. It is certainly the more 'spirited' part of Jamaica's history :-) Rum is made from spirits obtained …

2012 Vacation in Negril Not rated yet
A picture of a beautiful sunset from our balcony at Beaches Resort. Our vacation was the most amazing from the wonderful people we met to the delicious …

Reggae Sumfest 2013 Promises To Be Big Not rated yet
Reggae Sumfest, dubbed the greatest Reggae Festival on earth, will be held at the Catherine Hall Entertainment Center in Montego Bay Jamaica in July …

Wah Sweet Nanny Goat Run Belly - Jamaican Poem Not rated yet
Wah Sweet Nanny Goat Ago Run Belly A poem by Denise Salmon (July 2013) These words would shine a light ahead for young people When the older …

Chukka Caribbean Adventures Not rated yet
Chukka Caribbean Adventures Poem by Denise Salmon. Leave all your cares behind Come and relax and unwind Chukka Caribbean Adventures are really …

My Birthday In Jamaica - Soon Come! Not rated yet
Myself and my daughter will be returning home in November 2013 for my birthday....I so cannot wait....We last visited in Dec 2011, way too long a gap. …

Lovely Jamaica- I miss Jamaica every day Not rated yet
I just came upon your site and have enjoyed it very much! Sadly I left Jamaica with my parents in 1978 to start a new life in Texas. Both sets …

All Inclusive Caribbean Travel? Here's How - And Why! Not rated yet
All Inclusive Caribbean Travel by Kesha Stewart When you hear the words “all inclusive”, what comes to mind? Be honest with me now! Well, for …

Rose Hall Roast Festival Set For Labour Day Not rated yet
(Western Mirror) It promises to be a wholesome fairly experience come tomorrow, Labour Day, Thursday, May 23 at the third annual Margaritaville Rose Hall …

Best Jamaican Folk Songs - S to Z of Golden Collection Not rated yet
Click Here to see the complete list Shine y'eye gyal Ah shine y'eye gyal is a trouble to a man (repeat *2) an she want an she want an she want …

Best Jamaican Folk Songs - M to R of Golden Collection Not rated yet
Click Here to see the complete list Mango Time Me no drink cawfee tea, mango time Care how nice it maybe, mango time At de height of de mango …

Miss St. James Festival Queen Crowns This Sunday Not rated yet
The 2013 Miss St. James Festival Queen coronation show will be held on Sunday, May 19th 2013 at the Montego Bay Convention Center here in Montego Bay, …

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Westmoreland Curry Festival 2013 Not rated yet
Westmoreland Curry Festival, the highly anticipated annual event in Westmoreland, is now in its 13th staging and will be held on Sunday 28th April 2013 …

Jamaican Exotic Dancers - The Ladies, The Life & The Love Not rated yet
Exotic or erotic dancing is movement of the upper and lower body to a rhythm that excites the onlookers and evokes sexual overtures from them. Like …

Jamaica Nude Beaches & Resorts Directory suggestion Not rated yet
Hey there! I read the article with much interest. Finding any nudist venue in Jamaica …

Beaches Negril Resort & Spa Cops Top Travel Award Not rated yet
Beaches Negril Resort and Spa has one again, boosted the Caribbean's image as an ideal family vacation destination, being the only resort in the region …

Shaggy - You Are My Hero! Not rated yet
Semper Fidelis- always faithful/ always loyal. Hello Shaggy! My name is Jason Lowe. I live in Glendale Arizona and was originally from Ohio. I moved …

DaPaul joins Pledge Music to launch his album 'Soulful Spirit' Not rated yet
DaPaul is a songwriter, a storyteller, a listener, and a conscious life observer and introspective musical visionary. He is in touch not only with …

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