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Jamaican Fish Recipes

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jamaica fish recipes - steamed fish

Jamaican Fish Recipes by Kemoy McCurbyn

Jamaicans love fish! The snapper, jack fish, parrot fish and butter fish are probably right there at the top in terms of favourites!

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 And we have a new addition! The Lion Fish. The lion fish migrated to our Jamaican waters and was first portrayed to be unfit for eating as they are said to be poisonous.

But after research, the lion fish was deemed very fit for eating - and has actually jumped right to the top of the list of Jamaicaโ€™s preferred fish!

And like chicken, we prepare fish in a number of different and exciting ways here in Jamaica. It is fried, curried, baked, steamed, jerked, curried, brown stewed, used in soups, and even escoveitched - which is still the most popular way that we prepare it.

In this article, I will share with you some our favorite Jamaican fish recipes. Simply click on the links to them.

And by the way, these are real Jamaican, home style, easy to do, preparations that will have you devouring your fish in no time!

Jamaican Fish Recipes
(Click on the links for the recipe)


Right at the top where it belongs! Steamed fish is very popular in Jamaica, especially with okras and crackers. When steamed with crackers this can be had on its own as a full meal.

Steamed fish with okras is a favourite among our men as they associate the okras with stamina. Click Here to get the recipe for steamed fish with okras.

jamaican fish recipes - steamed fish
jamaican steamed fish with rice and peasJamaican Steamed Fish With Rice And Peas!


Fried and brown stewed fish are just two of the many ways that we prepare our fish here.  The snapper is our best choice when it comes to frying or preparing it the brown stewed way, as this particular fish has a lot of flesh and has a wonderful taste. 

Fried fish however is most famous with Jamaican bammy.

jamaican fried fish


The escoveitched fish is the most popular way that we prepare our fish and this can be had with either festival or bammy

Escoveitched fish is a very sumptuous way that a fish can be eaten, as all the seasoning and spices that are combined in this dish will make you drool. 

jamaican escoveitched fish


Curried fish can be done with coconut milk and also is a very delicious way to prepare fish, but for the most part these are healthy and delicious ways to prepare your fish. 


Jerked fish is another tasty way that we do our fish and just like any piece of jerked chicken or pork, the jerked fish is as tasty and mouthwatering with all the flavors and spices and can be had with festival or bammy. See link below for the tasty jerked fish recipe.

I hope that when you visit you get your fish - Jamaican style.
But for now, go ahead and try doing it yourself using any of the links given above.

Until next timeโ€ฆ..take care.

Click Here to see the full list of our easy and exciting Jamaican recipes, completely free!

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