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Jamaican Mangoes

by Denise Salmon

Enjoying a juicy Jamaican Mango - The 'Stringy'

Enjoying a juicy Jamaican Mango - The 'Stringy'

In Jamaica Mango season starts somewhere between April and May and ends in July or August - generally speaking.

And by the way, almost all Jamaicans love to devour this delicious fruit. There is even a Folk Song called "Mango Time" that boasts about not drinking coffee or tea during Mango Time, but rather just eating mangoes during the season :-)

Even though it is said that mango is originally came from India, this wonderful, tasty and delectable fruit is very much loved here.

And today, Mango is used to make Juices, Ice- Creams, Chutneys, deserts, cocktails and many other dishes.

There are many different species of mangoes here today. A few of the more popular Jamaican Mangoes are:

  • East Indian,
  • Julie,
  • Tommy Atkins,
  • Haden,
  • Turpentine,
  • Green gauge,
  • Stringy,
  • Graham,
  • Number 11,
  • Blacky and
  • Bombay.

Each having its own texture, taste, size and flavor.

So how do we have our Mango? There are many ways to go about eating this delectable fruit.

A knife can be used to remove the skin, before the fleshy part is removed and placed in a dish before it is eaten.

You may also take a small bite out of the top of the mango and suck out all the juice before you take off the skin and eat what's left on the seed.

But I, being me - a real mango loving Jamaican, enjoy peeling the mango with my teeth and eating the fleshy, juicy part, as the juice drains down on my hand and sometimes even getting on my clothes - not paying that much mind until every last trace of the delicious fleshy part from the seed :-)

Mangoes may be eaten when they are green as well. A little salt (or even pepper) is sprinkled on it after it is cut into small pieces and eaten.

When mangoes are not fully ripe they may also be placed in a bag for a few days until they are ripe. The ripe mangoes may last up to 5 days when they are left in a bowl on the kitchen counter.

By the way, would you have guessed that Mango is medicinal as well?

Yes, the leaves may also be used in the treatment of Hypertension, Diabetes, Insomnia and Fever.

I think most Jamaicans will thank Lord Rodney for bringing mangoes to Jamaica, after he captured that ship, even though it was destined for Hispaniola, so many years ago.


Go to Jamaican Fruits from Jamaican Mangoes

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For more on Jamaican Mangoes, click here to visit the Department of Chemistry at the University Of The West Indies.

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Dec 06, 2014
Im sure there are more
by: Anon.

Spice mangoes???!

Sep 30, 2013
Other Jamaican Mangoes?
by: Anonymous

What happened to Beef Mangos, Governor and Sweetie-com-brush me,Parrot, Robin Mangoes?

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