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Is Jamaica always hot?

Courtesy of Climates to   Chart shows the various levels of temperature annually in the capital city, Kingston

Courtesy of Climates to Chart shows the various levels of temperature annually in the capital city, Kingston

by Aneisha Dobson, Associate Writer

Although our scrumptious cuisines, unique culture, reggae music, sports and breathtaking attractions have made Jamaica popular, we cannot ignore the fact that tourists are also gravitated to Jamaica due to its warn tropical climate.

Oh yes, that island sun!

It keeps visitors from all over the globe coming back to our sun-kissed isle again and again!

is jamaica always hot

Many vacationers see Jamaica as a haven to escape their ice boxes and soak up the warmth of the sun. Even Jamaicans living overseas yearn to spend their holidays (especially Christmas) back at home.

So the question is asked... is Jamaica always hot?

Well for starters, Jamaica is known for having summer all year round. This is attributed to the fact that we are nested very close to the equator. Countries that are in close proximity to the equator experience a direct exposure from the sun rays above. Thus, the temperature is usually hot.

Jamaica experiences an average temperature ranged between 27-30ยฐC, that is 80-86ยฐF.

Typically, throughout the year there is not a great difference in temperature. The chart above depicts the various temperatures that could occur in each month in the parish of Kingston.

Jamaica is at its hottest during the months of July and August. In fact, on August 3rd 2017, with a temperature of 36.9 degree Celsius, was reported to be the hottest day in Kingston in 24 years!

However, rays of sunshine are not the only type of weather we here in Jamaica are used to. Between the months of May-June and September- November we experience what we call, the rainy season.

These short, heavy showers help to cool down the heat. But this does not last for long, as the weather is usually diverted back to sunny skies hours later.

Our winter months are between December to February. However, judging from the chart above you can see that the temperature variation between the seasons are not that different. In fact, when you consider the temperature during winter in other countries, our winter months are considered to be cool (not cold).

It should be noted that certain areas experience a different level of temperature. So if you are planning to a take a hike up the Blue Mountains, it is recommended to take along a jacket because mountainous areas are rather cold.

Also, temperature varies from parish to parish. Mandeville, for example, is notorious for having a rather chilly atmosphere.

In addition, it is quite common for Jamaica to experience cold fronts throughout the year. But, these tend to only last a couple of days.

Overall, itโ€™s safe to say that Jamaica isnโ€™t exactly always hot, but, the hot times usually outweigh the cooler times.

But no matter what time of year you plan to visit, rest assured that that you will be graced with our island sunshine.

Until next time โ€ฆ

P.S. Be sure to read more about the Jamaican climate here.

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