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Jamaican Clothing (Apparel)

by Brandii
(North Las Vegas, USA)

What do people in Jamaica casually wear?

Answer by W. Gayle, Nov.29.2008

Hi Brandii,
Thanks for your question.

I've pulled an excerpt from Here it is. I could not have said it any better than them.

Jamaica clothing is a remarkable fusion of the traditional and the western.

A blend of different cultures from all over the world has led to a cultural diversity that is reflected in the attire of the Jamaicans.

Though clothing portrays the cultural amalgamation that took place in the island throughout ages, it retains a traditional and native flavor that is unique in itself.

Traditional Jamaican dress for the women consists of a skirt, a top and a headscarf that is made from calico, a type of cotton cloth. The dresses that Jamaican people wear are very colorful which mirror the spirit of the Jamaicans.

The hot weather of the island does not permit heavy clothing. The people feel comfortable in cotton clothes and short sleeves.

Hosts of western attire fill up the shopping malls of Jamaica. T-shirts for men and women, spaghetti tops and tank tops, sweat shirts, jerseys kids clothing, long sleeved t-shirts, short sleeved t-shirts, golf shirts, hooded t-shirts, caps and hats, the Jamaican malls have them all.

With international interaction and globalization on the rise, western wear has taken over the Jamaican malls that are distributed all over the island.

Beachwear is a significant aspect of Jamaican clothing as the islanders as well as the tourists throng the white sand beaches rimmed with the glittering waters of the ocean.

Men, women and children enjoying themselves or basking in the Jamaican sun are found in bathing suits, light weight and light colored shirts, shorts and other cover ups, flip flaps or sandals, sunglasses and a brimmed hat.

Jamaican clothing reflects the attitudes and lifestyles of the Jamaican people.

A combination of the richly colorful traditional wear and the stylish and casual western wear shows that the old trend of cultural mixture is still very much existent in the island.


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