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Jamaican lifestyle - what is the life style there like?

by bre'ann

Playing Dominoes - part of the Jamaican Lifestyle

Playing Dominoes - part of the Jamaican Lifestyle

QUESTION: Hi. I'm half Jamaican and I'm very interested in my culture. I've lived in America all of my life and have never been to Jamaica. I would just like to know how is the life style there? :)

ANSWER: by Arriel Bullock February 09, 2012

Jamaicans are a unique and intriguing group of individuals, with a captivating culture, language and lifestyle. True to our unofficial motto: "No problem man", the average Jamaican is laidback, friendly and altruistic.

This does not, however, mean that we are free from care; it is just an indication of our inner drive to excel regardless of the struggles. As a result, there is a sense of community and “family ties” among most Jamaicans, as we know that there is strength in numbers.

Jamaican children have several "Aunties" and "Uncles", who are the friends of their parents; most often their mothers. These persons – though not related by blood – will join forces with the actual family to provide a strong support system which can be relied on in time of need.

The average Jamaican woman loves to cook and the average Jamaican man loves to eat a good home-cooked meal. As such, there is a strong belief in the saying: "the way to a Jamaican man’s heart is through his stomach.” This is accentuated by the Jamaican proverb: “tun yu han mek fashion”, which teaches the idea of utilizing whatever is available to make something remarkable.

Even though each home has a different menu, per se, there are certain staples that are never missing, as these add authenticity to the Jamaican lifestyle. Such things as flour (to make dumpling and fritters), cornmeal (for porridge), red peas (for stewed peas, rice and peas or red peas soup), are just a few of the things you will find in a true Jamaican’s kitchen.

Any true Jamaican man will tell you that they drink a "roots" or a "punch" every now and again. This refers to one of several type of beverages that are consumed, with the belief that they provide stamina to the consumer.

They are either blended or fermented concoctions, but regardless of how they are made the results are said to be the same.

As such, Jamaican men are said to be excellent lovers and strong workers. These “roots” and/or “punches” are either home-made or purchased from a store or the resident “ital juice man” (a vendor who specializes in various types of juice concoctions).

Despite our laidback and friendly aura, however, Jamaicans are hard-working people, who believe in the value of honest labour.

Whether it is through agriculture, craft, civil service, private service or "hustling" (utilizing various trades to make a living), the average Jamaican knows how to survive. As such, no matter how difficult our situation becomes, we always tend to overcome it. As the saying goes, we "tun wi han mek fashion."

Whether it is through our mode of dress, our way of cooking, our language, religion, parties or overall culture, Jamaicans have a way of standing out in a crowd. Our uniqueness, vivacity and overall excellence have led us to be among the most admired individuals in the world. Such is the Jamaican lifestyle, one in which you “take it easy”, but strive to be the greatest. And that is our strongest quality, in which we take great pride.

Read More in : The Jamaican Culture

Don't Miss: The Jamaica Travel Guide.

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Feb 10, 2012
Jamaican lifestyle
by: Iris

I have to agree 100% with this writer. I have been to Jamaica many times, am engaged to a Jamaican man,and have fallen in love with the island and people. One thing I want to add is people outside of Jamaica think its one big party there with anything goes but that is so far from the truth. Yes, they do party but Jamaicans are also very conservative, moral and religious people. I am planning my next trip there right now and can't wait to see my extended family and friends.

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