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Jamaica's National Anthem | 10 Facts

Jamaica's National Flag
Photo: Jamaica's National Flag

by Deon Clarke | Associate Writer

Each citizen of a country should take pride in their national anthem. Don’t you agree? I believe that the words of Jamaica’s national anthem were truly inspired and will serve as an inspiration for generations to come. The song evokes a sense of patriotism and national pride, especially when it is played on the international scene. Jamaica’s national anthem has been played so many times in the sporting arena during the Olympic Games and World Championships, that I would dare say, it is one of the most popular anthems in the world. But just how much do you know about Jamaica’s National Anthem? Let’s take a look at 10 things you should know.

  1. The name of the national anthem is “Jamaica, Land We Love”. Not Bob Marley’s song "One Love" as some people might think.

  2. The national anthem of Jamaica was “officially" adopted on July 19, 1962, just before Jamaica got independence on August 6, 1962. It continued to be the official anthem after independence.

  3. Jamaica’s national anthem was chosen after a competition that ran from September 1961 to the end of March 1962. The People's National Party who was leading the government at the time, announced this competition to write the lyrics of the future National Anthem of Jamaica.

  4. Almost 100 script entries were received for the competition.

  5. The lyrics of the National Anthem was written by the Reverend Hon. Hugh Sherlock in July 1962 and were selected as the winning script by a special selection of The Houses of Parliament of Jamaica and with an overwhelming majority too.

  6. The music for Jamaica’s National Anthem was composed by Hon. Robert Lightbourne and arranged by Mapletoft Poulle and Christne Alison Poulle.

  7. In respect of the National Anthem, when it is being played or sung, all persons are required to stand at attention. This means heels together and hands at the sides. (Before this, persons would have to place their right hand on their chest but this was changed as it was similar to the American stance for their National Anthem).

  8. Men should show their respect for the National Anthem by removing their hats when the National Anthem is being played or sung.

  9. The singing of the National Anthem should be part of the ceremony at the beginning and end of the school term when the national flag is being raised and lowered respectively. The National Anthem is usually played or sung during school devotions and also at the beginning or end of some formal or official events. The National Anthem must also be sung at Independence celebrations.

  10. Jamaica’s National Anthem is really a prayer, asking God for blessings guidance and protection over our beloved country, and to bless our leaders with His divine wisdom.

So, when did you last sing your National Anthem? I do hope that this information will prove beneficial and will be a reminder to those who might have forgotten, to take a renewed sense of pride in the words and in the respect of the National Anthem of Jamaica, land we love.

I also recommend you read Jamaica National Anthem Code Of Use


  • “Jamaica, Land We Love”, Wikipedia,,_Land_We_Love
  • “The Jamaican National Anthem & Pledge”, My-Island-Jamaica,

Editor's Note
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