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Meet Aneisha Dobson, Associate Writer At

Chances are you already read at least one of her articles here.

But who is she?

I now introduce you to Aneisha Dobson, my Associate Writer here at


Hey there! Wah gwaan?

My name is Aneisha Dobson and I want to officially welcome you to My Island Jamaica! A space where us Jamaica fanatics can share insights and knowledge about Jamaica.

So a little bit about me

Where in Jamaica do you live?

Well, Iโ€™ve spent the better part of my life in the parish of St. James, home to Montego Bay the Second City.

And while I believe that the other parishes are just as magnificent, St. James will also be home for me. Itโ€™s where I was raised, went to school and most of my family reside here.

What are your passions?

Other than sharing my love for my home with you, I have a love for all things numeric.
Yes, Iโ€™m a nerd. Lol. So, itโ€™s no surprise that I chose Accounting as my field of study during my tenure at college.

I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration.

Iโ€™m also passionate about people, especially when it comes to helping them reach their fullest potential. I strongly believe that my life is not my own, but Iโ€™ve been placed on this earth to share my talents and knowledge with others to help shape my community.

Whatโ€™s your favorite Jamaican quote?
Wi lickle but wi tallawah!

What does that mean?

Well basically it means that while I may appear small, my heart, my spirit and my will is strong.

This also describes my country (Jamaica) in a nutshell. Just think about it! Jamaica is such a small island, but it has such a major impact on the world.

What do I love most about Jamaica?

Well, that sounds like an endless list, but Iโ€™ll narrow it done for you.

For me Jamaica means, family and friends, vibrant culture, melodious music and scrumptious meals.

My fondest memories occurred right here and itโ€™s indeed a pleasure to share that with you.

While I do know a lot about Jamaica, every day I make a new discovery, whether it be a hidden attraction or a brand new restaurant, itโ€™s my esteemed pleasure to share that it with you.

So stay tuned for stay tuned for my next article and all other posting!

Until next timeโ€ฆ


P.S. You can find a list of my previous articles here.

Editor's Note
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