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Do you have a Jamaican business, or a business related to, or located in Jamaica? Are you looking to expand your customer base?

Join the internet revolution! Harness the power of the internet and drive your product or service to greater success- with or without a website!

New! Take a piece of Jamaica with you💃!

Savour the memories!  Now you can get your authentic Jamaican souvenir items, as well as traditional Jamaican herbs, spices and housewares on our popular e-store. Click Here to learn more.

And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us!

Interestingly, many of our small Jamaican businesses have already realized that the Web is now the ticket for advertising, they've had a website built, then waited for it to make a difference to their business.

But simply having a site isn't enough: You need a site that gets TRAFFIC! Targeted traffic!

And that's where we can help.

How Can We Help? provides you the perfect springboard you need to get your message out, while building credibility - one of the main anchors of all successful small businesses - online or off.

With a Top 1% ranking [of the approximately 60 million websites online], and significantly high positions in the search engines, this site will drive highly TARGETED visitors to your business daily.

Targeted meaning that, while we get some visitors from sites that link directly to us, the majority of our visitors comes via the search engines where they were searching for something directly related to Jamaica!

Yep, they were actually looking for something related to Jamaica, and please don't ever think it cannot be your product or service!

By the way, the brand 'Jamaica' is heavily popular overseas as well and so, almost everything related to the magic word, 'Jamaica' sells!

At the time of writing this page on 1̶0̶/2̶9̶/0̶8̶  August 31, 2019 we had a healthy MONTHLY average of 3̶1̶,0̶5̶2̶  252,931 unique visitors, 2̶0̶,6̶3̶7̶ 93,624 returning visitors, and a massive 7̶5̶,6̶0̶0̶ 1.6 million page views!

And the numbers are ever growing!

So, do you think that even a fraction of these persons may be interested in your product or service?

You be the judge!

So do you still need proof of the popularity of this website?

No prob, click this Alexa link and look for the 90 day SITE RANK.

Good, see that figure?

Now divide that by the approximately 90 million sites online.

Yep, there's the TOP 1% my friend!

How To Get Started

CLICK HERE to learn more about our sponsorship policy then
Contact us for the details of our partnership proposal.

Why Come Online for a Listing?

Why not the local yellow pages or a newspaper space?

The truth is, traditional advertising methods simply do not provide the same ROI (Return on Investment) that the internet can offer.

Moreover, it doesn't provide the same opportunity to make an impression on potential customers.

There's only so much that can be conveyed in a traditional advertising.

For example:

There are no opportunity to display:

  • customer feedback, 
  • highlight seasonal specials, 
  • post profiles, 
  • or promote your products in a way that piques the interest of would-be clients; 
  • Never mind the lack of global reach.

Our limited time partnership opportunities does all that, and more!

How To Get Started

CLICK HERE to learn more about our sponsorship policy then
Contact us for the details of our partnership proposal.

I look forward to hearing from you :-)

Wellesley Gayle, Founder & CEO

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