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Yellow Pages Jamaica
 Your Business & Residential Search Made Simple

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Yellow Pages Jamaica
Nemonie Cassells

“Find it, find it, find it, in the Yellow Pages!” 

I remember this song every single time I think of searching for a business in the Jamaica Yellow Pages! lol.

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The Jamaica Yellow Page is where businesses and professionals advertise their products and services to the island at large. 

To Do Your Jamaica Yellow Page Search

When I was just a girl, I used to believe that your Jamaican business has not made it unless it is listed in the Jamaica Yellow Pages.

You can just imagine the delight I felt when I found my dad, my aunt and my uncle’s carpet companies listed there, I was like “ya bwoiiiii!!!” 

Truth be told, your business does not have to be large or popular to be listed in the Jamaican Yellow Pages, after all, they were not picked to be listed there because of customers’ reviews.

All you have to do, is be a smart business man or woman who wants to market your business by getting it out there to the population, therefore, you pay to have your business advertised in the Yellow Pages!

Why Jamaica Yellow Pages - And Not White Pages You Asked?

To that I ask you this… Have you ever tried FINDING a business in the white pages??? Ugh!! It can be veeery tedious and frustrating for the potential clients!

Main reason… the white pages are done in alphabetical order, therefore, everyone AND their mothers are listed there too!

The Jamaica Yellow pages however, list businesses and professionals by categories, for example;

  • Architects,
  • Caterers,
  • Lawyers,
  • Real Estate,
  • Resorts etc. get it?

Therefore, clients who are searching for services to be done but may not have a specific company or name in mind, will have a variety of options to chose from! Also, available spaces are limited, so not all businesses get to advertise in a particular year.

This narrows the amount of time taken, and businesses a client may have to go through to get to what they want. See why its easier to find what you want in the Jamaica Yellow Pages? 


Another benefit of being listed in the Jamaica Yellow Pages is you get to advertise your business or service in its own little section; some businesses pay for an entire page!

Companies get to add their logos, slogans and pictures to personalize their section of the page.

To advertise your business in the Jamaica Yellow Pages, and other queries, please contact:

Tel: 1-876-936-3940
Fax: 1-876-960-1094

Yellow Pages Jamaica  - Now Online!

Did I tell you that there is now an online option that makes it even easier to search for businesses and services all over Jamaica?

To Do Your Jamaica Yellow Page Search

Yup! And this sets an advantage over the traditional Yellow Pages in the Jamaican telephone directory because now clients can search by regions, example Kingston or island wide, business name, category or keywords!

Now clients can look up a company on the go!

Can you imagine having to stop at a gas station every time you're on the road and want to look up a business?

Funnier still if you had to walk around with the traditional telephone directory!

Now, literally at your finger tips, where ever and whenever you need it, just click and you're good to go!!

Get In The Know!

And since you were interested in the yellow pages, I should let you know that if you are looking to vacation here, sooner or later, I highly recommend that you consider getting The Rough Guide To Jamaica!.

It is a comprehensive guide covering tips, cautions, recommendations as well as the best deals in Jamaica! You can check the current price on here.

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