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Jamaican Party
Experience The Irie Vibes!

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Jamaican Party
by Nemonie Cassells

jamaican party

If we Jamaicans don’t know how to do anything else, we know how to have a good time!

We make the best music in the Caribbean, so what better way to enjoy it, than to throw the best parties?!

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Our Jamaican parties are held far and wide; America, Canada, England, Germany even as far as Japan!

This is because without Jamaicans, “It nuh nice!” (It’s not popping) Jamaicans bring the good party vibes where ever we go, and where ever we go everybody body knows that that is a “yardie” party!

If the parties we throw abroad is so jamming and upbeat… can you imagine what its like here at home?! I kid you not when I say, people leave from all over the world to come and enjoy a party - Jamaican style.

The music, whether dancehall or reggae, will almost always get you up and dancing! The Jamaican patrons at the party are another thing, if its not their eye catching, sometimes outrageous outfits, its definitely, most definitely their dance moves!

A great J'can party is one of the best ways for dancers to show off their new moves, and with technology so advanced other party goers are videoing and posting and this helps put the dancers in the spotlight! 

One of the biggest parties of all time here in Jamaica happens every summer. This is none other than Dream Weekend that's held in Negril Jamaica annually each summer!

This mega party has the uncanny ability to draw people from all walks of life to one destination, where they can party, party, party from dusk ’til dawn and from dawn ’til dusk!! 

This isn’t just one party either, its MANY different parties, crammed into one weekend! So you get ONE weekend to forget about the world, heck, with the amount of liquor available, you pretty much cant help it, you might just end up forgetting yourself in the process!!

You can chose to get a season band that gives you access to all the Dream Weekend parties, or you can chose to buy separate bands to the individual parties you want to attend!

I am no longer in the party scene, but I can tell you without a doubt, that if you’re a party loving, I’ll-drink-to-that, type of person, and are looking to have a grand time, then these parties are a must go for the summer!

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard friends say their buying “Dream Weekend phones” (inexpensive phones that they wont mind losing) and expensive outfits, they mostly won't be wearing again because they got ruined.

Their preparation for Dream Weekend, is like me preparing for Christmas... its that exciting! 

What happens at a Jamaican party now though is another thing to talk about. In my partying days, it was more about dancing and enjoying oneself to lively, dance-hall music.

Now, elements of it are a lot more intense with intriguing stunts and the display of acrobatic skills - including jumping from the top of a speaker box, or anything high enough, and landing in a split, or better yet, on top of a willing and waiting patron :-)

With all the changes happening in the Jamaican party scene though, its still a must go. Jamaicans are forever creating new dance moves, new party trends and good vibes. 

Come on to the irie side and experience our party side!!
See also: Jamaican party venues

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