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Homestyle Jamaican Rum Cake Recipe 
Deliciously Tasty & Rummy!
In Text & Video

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jamaican_rum_cake_from_cake_mixKayann's Freshly baked Jamaican Rum Cake

As a follow up to our popular video on Jamaican Fruit Cake, Kayann figured we needed to do another video showcasing another Jamaican delectable.

And since we were still in the season, she decided she'll do Jamaican Rum Cake. Of course, I'm with her, whatever her choice :-)

But it turned out that Rum Cake was the not only perfect segue from the Christmas Cake, it was one of the most asked for.

And now we have it!  The complete recipe, as well as the video!

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And although she didn't create much of the mix from scratch, it is still as authentic Jamaican as you'll ever get, especially she used a traditional Jamaican favourite, JF Mills yellow cake mix to start. 

At the end it came out exactly as intended, dense yet moist, laced with Jamaican Appleton rum!

kayann_jamaican_rum_cakeKayann's Jamaican Rum Cake
Sliced Jamaican Rum CakeJamaican Rum Cake (Sliced)

So how did she get it like that?
Here now is the full recipe!

Kayann's Jamaican Rum Cake Recipe (Step by Step)

Prep time: 10 minutes

Bake Time: 1hr 15 mins
Coating Time:  15 mins

Total Time: Approximately 100 mins


  • 2 pounds JF Mills yellow cake mix (or any yellow cake mix)
  • 2/3 (two third) cups vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups water
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 tsp almond flavouring (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp rose water

For Rum Sauce

  • 2 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon corn starch
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cups water
  • 100ml Appleton rum (or any dark rum or brandy)


The procedure easy, simply...

  1. Pour cake mix in mixing bowl
  2. Break eggs and pour in jar 
    Tip: Break each egg in a smaller container and pour into larger one, just in case there is a bad one it can be isolated
  3. Measure and add the vegetable oil
  4. Pour both into the cake mix already in the mixing bowl
  5. Add half cups of water
  6. Mix for approximately 2 minutes
    Tip: Start slowly then increase speed to prevent splashing.
  7. Optional: add the almond flavouring and rose water
    You may also add a tablespoon of the rum to the mixture while it is blending as well
  8. Slow down mixture and gently ad the full cup (remaining water) and continue mixing for another 2 minutes or so, or as soon as it is smooth, light and fluffy
  9. Prepare baking tin:
    Grease baking tin with shortening then pour a bit of flour in and rotate to ensure a smooth consistency in the baking tin. Remove any lumps. This coating will allow the cake to be easily removed after baking (prevent sticking)
  10. Pour the finished mixture into the baking tin
  11. Place in oven and bake for approximately 60-75 minutes
    Use a wooden toothpick to check its readiness
  12. When complete, remove the cake from the oven and place on heat rack on top of a bun pan

Preparing The Rum Sauce

  1. In a small sauce pan, mix the sugar and corn starch with water
  2. Bring to a boil
  3. Add the 2 tbsp. butter while on the fire 
  4. Stir until dissolves
  5. Remove from heat, add rum and stir

Applying The Rum Sauce

  1. Using a pastry brush, spread the sauce on top of the cake while it is hot.
  2. Then brush the sides while turning the cake, trying to cover all areas.
  3. Do this at least three (3) times, after pausing for 5-7 minutes between applications.

At this point your cake is ready for consumption!
Ideally though, you can wait for additional 15-20 minutes for the cake to properly soak and cool.

Optional (but recommended): 
For added rum flavour, pour more of the rum directly but slowly on top of the cake

This recipe yields 1 x 9 inches rum cake.

jamaican rum cake recipeMoistened Jamaican Rum Cake - Setting

And now I have a bonus for you....

Frequently Asked Questions about Jamaican Rum Cake - Answered!

I realized that persons had questions and so I grabbed the opportunity to ask Kayann  some of the popular questions about Jamaican rum cake. Here are the questions with her response (below):

  1. Which rum is best for cake?
    Ans: Any dark rum or brandy. However you can always use any rum of your choice,

  2. Can I substitute eggs in my rum cake?
    Ans: Yes. For every egg, substitute a tablespoon of flaxseed or chia seeds.

  3. Should you refrigerate rum cake?
    Ans: Not recommended. It lessens the flavor. Room temperature is best.

  4. Does rum cake get you drunk?
    Ans: Not easily, but it can happen if excess amounts of rum is used or if excess amount of cake is eaten.

  5. Why does my rum cake fall?
    Ans: Perhaps, too frequent opening of the oven during baking or improper mixing.
    Give the cake at least 15-20 to start baking before attempting to test it.

  6. How long will Rum Cake stay fresh?
    Ans: 3-4 days at room temperature. Longer in the cooler or refrigerator, but you may need to.

  7. How do you fix a raw cake in the middle?
    Ans: Put it back in the oven for approximately 10 minutes, depending on how raw it is.

Prefer To WATCH Kayann Make Her Homestyle Jamaican Rum Cake?

I figured you would!

And so, yes, I captured the entire process on camera!

The entire process, step by step, along with all the questions answered is in this super special video edition.

WATCH Jamaican Rum Cake (Special YouTube Premiere)

See you in a few!

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Want to learn cook other tasty Jamaican food items?  Be sure to get more free Jamaican Recipes here as well.

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