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Delicious Jamaican Fruit Cake Recipe 
The Traditional Method

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Jamaican Fruit Cake Recipe

Jamaican Fruit Cake Recipe aka 'Jamaican Chrismus Cake'

The preparation is certainly not as difficult as you might have initially thought. In fact, not only is it super easy, it is quite simple as well - though it uses all the traditional Jamaican ingredients. 

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The fruits, which consist of raisins, cherries, papaya, dates, prunes and any other dried fruits, are prepared either by boiling in wine or soaked in the wine for at least 3 weeks.

New! See Video Below on how to make Jamaican Christmas Cake Below (On YouTube)

Butter and sugar are creamed till the mixture becomes light and fluffy. Next, eggs, rum and vanilla are added to the mixture, while beating continuously.

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To this mixture, the prepared fruit mixtures, red wine, a small amount of rum (optional) and molasses are added.

The flour mixture is then folded into this mixture, and mixed properly to make the cake batter.

The mixture is then baked in greased baking dishes on medium high heat till it is properly baked, and a pick comes out clean when inserted.

Additional wine or rum can also be brushed onto the cake as needed to keep it moist.

This fruit cake is a delicacy at Christmas time in Jamaica. No Christmas in Jamaica is the same without fruit cake and sorrel!

Courtesy of international, here's one of it's simplest recipe.

Jamaican Fruit Cake Recipe
(Jamaican Christmas Cake)


  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 cups sugar (brown)
  • 2 cups butter
  • 3 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 dozen eggs.
  • 1/2 lb. mixed fruits
  • 1/2 lb. raisins
  • 2 tbsp. rum
  • 1/2 c. wine
  • 1/2 c. molasses
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. mixed spice


  1. Cream butter and sugar.
  2. Beat eggs thoroughly...
  3. add to the creamed butter and sugar.
  4. Add flour 1 cup at a time (sift flour).
  5. Add baking powder and salt.
  6. Stir in fruits, mixed spice, vanilla, rum, wine and molasses until you get a smooth paste.

Bake 350 degrees.

jamaican_fruit_cake_christmas_cake by nateisha gayle

Give it a shot!

By the way, can I tell you that my sister, Nateisha (Neka), is the best Jamaican cook ever? I may be a bit prejudiced but I honestly think that she at least rivals the best anywhere, in or outside of Jamaica. 

That cake above, by the way, was her handy work. You can see the post on this page. It was in response to one of our fans. 


I now have a convenient, easy to use compilation of 11 of the most authentic and sought after Jamaican snacks/treats recipes (including Jamaican fruit cake) delivered to you in a simple easy to read format!
Now Available For Instant Download! Click Here to learn more.

Watch Video! How To Make Traditional Jamaican Fruit Cake

Thanks to Kayann, I now officially have a video of the how to make this Jamaican delicacy. And without hesitation, here is it...

Be sure to also check out my Jamaican dessert recipes here.

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Click Here to see the full list of our easy and exciting Jamaican recipes, completely free!

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