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Mannings High School
The Beacon in Westmoreland, Jamaica

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mannings high school

Did you know that the old Mannings High School building is the second oldest of it's type in Jamaica?

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...yes, it is.

But the singularity of Mannings school is much greater than the historic old building (now the library), it has a deep and interesting history and a very strong and proud heritage.

Click Here to get the Mannings School Song

A Mannings student depicts substance, style & intelligence :-) :-) !

The illustrious history of Mannings, dates back to 1710, when Thomas Manning, a westmoreland proprietor, left thirteen slaves with land and the produce of a pen and cattle, to endow a free school for the parish.

Twenty eight years later (in 1738)- the school was established.

Note however that the school was established on the present site in Savanna-la-mar instead of on the lands left by Manning at Burnt Savannah Pen, at the northern end of the George's Plain. The JNHT provides a concise but interesting summary of the school here.

I am honoured to say, 'I am a proud past student of Mannings!'. My tenure there was between 1989 and 1994, and although it was one of the most challenging period in my life, it is still one of the best.

I have some great memories, thanks to all my classmates, including Denzil Williams, Floyd Grey, Nickeisha Whyte and indeed the entire classes of 1 grey, 2 grey, 3 yellow and the 4 & 5 crimson group.

Special mention of a lasting friend Andrea Allen and my favourite wicketkeeper batsman (cricketer) and friend - Roal Wnyter :-)

And I feel proud of my school and my achievements; for those of you who were there during that time, you'll remember that I was awarded two consecutive years - my last two years, for been not only the top boy in the class, but the top student! (In 4 & 5 Crimson)

Today, like most other educational institutions in Jamaica, we have some challenges, but the school continues to shine educationally on it's fundamental philosophy that 'vita sine litteris mors est' (live without learning is death).

For many of us, Mannings remains, 'our ancient light of learning, in splendor shining over all the west'. (Full School Song Here)

For information related to admissions, costs, student transfer, areas of study, extra curricular activities and another general enquiries, contact the school using the contact information listed below.

Contact For Mannings School

Manning's School
P.O. Box 20
Savanna‑la‑mar P.O;
Westmoreland, Jamaica  West‑Indies
(876) 955-2634
Fax: (876) 918‑0656

Facebook Page: Manning's School - Home | Facebook

Note that the Facebook Page captures all the latest news and developments regarding the school. Be sure to check them out.

The Mannings School Song

[Played to the tune of "The Londonderry Air"]

Dear Manning's School,

Our ancient light of learning,

In splendor shining over all the west,

For Thee Thy sons' and daughters' hearts are burning

With gladsome voice to tell they love Thee best

Westmoreland's Hope, Jamaica's march maintaining,

From days of yore Thou dost example set,

Thy sober task to teach without complaining,

And, God be praised, Thou hast not faltered yet.

Thy lessons these, to love the land around Thee,

To learn from lore of science how to till;

Harness the streams and waters that surround Thee,

To love the trees the herb upon the hills.

To play with zest, to fight with strength and spirit

Defend the right and evil to eschew

With might and main to hold what we inherit,

And for our sons to work for treasures new.

To lose with grace, with ne'er a frown or whimper

At referee's ruling or at umpire's word;

To show good taste and tact and keep our temper

To mind our talk nor gossip all we've heard

O School Of Ours, We Pledge Thee Our Devotion

O School Of Ours, Let This Be E'er Our Rule,

Where'er We Walk Or Sail On Land Or Ocean,

That We Remember Thee, Our Own Dear Manning's School.

by (L. A. Prescod: Headmaster 1949‑1961)

Return to the Colleges in Jamaica from Mannings High School.

First Posted: April/24/2010


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