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Urgent improvement opportunity for Jamaica in heath care

by LarryB
(Florida USA)

I haven't been back to Jamaica since 2003. I miss dear friends & family very much! I use to travel from Florida almost every 2 months attending sports events & interacting with loved ones.

Unfortunately, I suffered an unfortunate traumatic experience that led to a very bad anxiety attack right in the middle of Carnival.

Things happen in life but sadly, if it wasn't for my friends or family who had connections, I went through more anxiety trying to get medical attention in a timely manner which suddenly opened my eyes to the difficult situation most citizens who are not financially well off or have connections have to sadly endure!

It left me & a lot of especially senior people with deep reservations to feel comfortable coming back home & feeling confident about the lack of sufficient Medical facilities & equipment across the beautiful Island for residents & visitors!

It left me with mental trauma & haven't been able although I tried to visit since. I know it's an issue for thousands of people abroad who wants to return home.

I know it's not your fault & I endorse folks like you who appear to have Jamaica's best interest at heart. Most of us would take our chances dealing with crime but without big Medical improvements, it will forever cause realistic unhealthy.

Anxieties will be a barrier for a lot of hopeful returnees/ visitors who should factor in logical & quality plans if a medical emergency occurs.

I'm working on overcoming my past experience although I'm constantly in touch every day with a lot of medical staff there that's overworked & underpaid but it's part of the journey.

I'm proud of our Island's positive people who are doing their part in building positive vibes & I'm helping folks from my end in any way possible to assist with opening Health Care Clinics across the Island which I hope will be affordable for the people.


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