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"Beeston Spring Got Talent"
A Model Community On Show

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Beeston Spring Got Talent Competition.

This small, quaint community in Westmoreland, Jamaica was abuzz on July 27th with it's hosting of the 2nd annual exciting talent competition - the grand final.

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And, if you ever need a trustworthy and knowledgeable local guide, consider booking a private tour with us! was (happily) there, and from our estimate, close to 3,000 patrons converged at the community center, that's the majority of the small community in one place - old and young, - even dogs were there!


It was the culmination of the weekly eliminations which started on May 25th - 10 weeks of complete thrill and excitement!

Auditions were held at Packi Tree/Thatch Valley, Shady Grove, Lime Tree Lane and Robins River, and saw entries from the old and young, man and woman, rastamen and bald heads in dancing, singing, deejay,comedy acts and skits.

Intermission saw children participating in cheese trix (snacks) eating contests and dancing contests, while adults entertained in beer drinking and bun eating contests - as well as dance offs for spot prizes - which included phone credit.


I was very impressed by the quality of the performances at the final though. As I noted on our facebook page, these performances could have competed strongly at the parish and  even the national levels!

  1. Akiyme and Company, a two man dance group from the Left Hall area won the Grand Prize of $50,000 JMD.
  2. Drop Shot, a male soloist won the second prize of $30,000 and 
  3. Alexica Murray (female soloist -ABOVE) earned the third prize of $20,000.

  • also happily sponsored an impromptu consolation prize of $5,000 to the most creative performance, which went to Akiyme & Company.

The inaugural event (last year) was great, but compared to this year, in the words of one of the key coordinator, "last year was just a trial"; this year was that good!


What impressed me also was the fact that there was no police, no security - no need! 

At one point I was certainly worried about how the audience would respond to the final decision of the judges but they proved that that was 'no worries'.

People were passionate about their favorite performers yes, but everyone got along well - was all just pure fun coupled with a great community spirit.

But what else could we say was the highlight of the 10 week event? posed the question to Adriana Beltrani, a volunteer for the United States Peace Corps doing charity work in the community, and also an ardent supporter of the event.

Her response...

"Everyone would have a different highlight - maybe it was the girl falling off the stage from dancing so hard, or the dance group that kept going even after one member was stung by a wasp.

Or maybe it was seeing their favorite win, or coaching their districts contestant during practices.

Or perhaps it was the food, including the delectable fried chicken, or the deejays' rhymes". :-)


The event was sponsored by Mr. Michael Brown - a native and another ardent community individual and strong believer in the people of the community. According to Mr. Brown,

"I have lived other places, but no where else is like Beeston Spring!".

The community wishes to express thanks to the organizers and executive committee members:

  • Simone Stewart,
  • Janice Hopwood,
  • Nadia Tomlinson,
  • Osmond Bushay,
  • Ian Satchwell,
  • Lesa Brown,
  • Shamere Saunders and of course...
  • Michael Brown the main sponsor.

Certainly a model performance for any community! Well done team,

Now the world understands why you won the prestigious prize of Best Community In Jamaica in 2010!

*And yes, your's truly is a product of this outstanding community :-)

Understandably, the community members are now demanded more!

The committee however is aware, and are making immediate plans to continue to keep the community engaged, which includes a 20/20 cricket competition!


Beeston Spring is a small, approximately a 5,000 person community in eastern Westmoreland.

It is just about 7 minutes north east of the famous Bluefields Beach or NorthWest, approximately 10 minutes, from the famous fishing community of Whitehouse.

For a quick background to the community, click here.

The community also provides tours as part of its community tourism project. For further information or community contact:


Beeston Spring CDC,
Beeston Spring P.O,
Jamaica, WI.

Phone: 876-879-7494


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