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Benefits of Moringa
PLUS Is Moringa Grown In Jamaica?

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moringa_plant_seed_oil_powderBenefits of Moringa | Moringa Seeds, Powder and Oil

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Moringa, Horseradish Tree, Ben Tree or simply the Tree of Life is a plant native to Asia which has been used worldwide to cure a myriad of ailments ranging from heart health to digestive disorders.

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Called the tree of life because its leaves, blossoms, seeds, bark, stems and roots all serve a purpose in curing and treating many different diseases, it is often used in traditional herbal medicines and over the recent decades in commercial drugs as well.

Is moringa grown in Jamaica?

Yes, moringa trees grow well in Jamaica. Although the plant is native to Asia, specifically India, its ability to be grown in subtropical regions allowed it to be grown in Africa and parts of the Caribbean.

What is moringa called in Jamaica?

Jamaicans often call moringa, โ€œmerengeโ€, โ€œmeringaโ€, or โ€œTree of Lifeโ€.

Health Benefits of Moringa

moringa_plantsMoringa Plant
  1. The list of benefits of moringa seems never-ending. Consistent inflammation has been linked to chronic health problems, including heart disease and cancer so Moringaโ€™s anti-inflammatory properties come in handy.

  2. Moringa leaves are known to be high in nutrients. The leaves are believed to be more nutritious than oranges and even milk. Vitamins A, C, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 and Folate can all be found in moringa leaves. The nutrients, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc can also be found.

  3. While there isnโ€™t much evidence yet for its cancer-preventing abilities, it does contain niazimicin which hinders the growth of cancer cells.

  4. Moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. The calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids present in its leaves help your body heal and build muscle.

  5. Packed with antioxidants and nutrients, moringa greatly improves the general health of the hair and skin. It can be used to treat hair and skin conditions, reduce wrinkles and restore shine to your hair.

  6. Lactating mothers can also benefit from moringa. The rich source of protein, vitamins and other nutrients makes it beneficial to both mother and baby.

  7. Moringa is good for stomach health and digestive disorders. Constipation, bloating, gas and many other stomach conditions can be treated by introducing moringa to your diet. This is through the antibiotic and antimicrobial properties of the moringa plant, particularly the leaves.

  8. Consistent exposure to arsenic in its inorganic form can lead to cancer and it is not as easy to avoid as you may think. Arsenic has found its way into our water sources and many of our daily foods. Moringa lowers arsenic toxicity in the body.

  9. Some medications have adverse effects on other parts of our body and the liver is often the victim. Moringa has properties which quicken the repair of liver cells it also stabilizes the liver enzymes which is needed to filter our blood and control nutrient absorption.

Moringa is used to treat?

  1. Heart Diseases - Heart diseases, cholesterol and hypertension can be treated by introducing Moringa to your diet.
  2. Constipation
  3. Arthritic Conditions - Moringa Leaf and Oil are used to treat joint pain and arthritis
  4. Skincare Conditions - The Leaves, Seeds and Oil can be used in your skincare routine for masks and serums.
  5. Hair and Scalp Conditions - Persons suffering from alopecia can use Moringa as a part of their hair care routine to restore and strengthen their hair.
  6. Prostate - General prostate health can be achieved from moringa seeds.
  7. Erectile Dysfunction

How Can Moringa Be Used?

  1. When the pods are fit, the seeds can be eaten. Many people opt for a seed or two daily.
  2. Young pods are added to soups and stews to be eaten.
  3. The Moringa Powder can be used to make a mask, or the leaves can be blended to make a spritz to rehydrate your hair. The paste made from leaves can also be used to treat dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.
  4. For acne-prone skin, cleans pores and improves your skin tone.

What happens when you drink moringa every day?

It is not advised that Moringa is had daily, but as a frequent part of your health regimen, Moringa will improve your overall health.

What are the risks of taking moringa?

As does most things, there are side effects to overusing moringa.

Can I grow moringa in my backyard?

Depending on the space you are working with, Moringa can be a good backyard plant. A full-grown moringa tree can be 25-35ft tall and 15 to 25 ft wide.

Why is moringa called the miracle plant?

Moringa is called the miracle plant because of its many uses and treatments.

Watch Video! Benefits Of Moringa

As a part of your powerful herbs of Jamaica series, we had to look at the moringa plant of course. You can watch the video below.

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References & Sources For Jamaican Sorrel

  1. 10 powerful health benefits of Moringa Powder + how to use it (no date) mindbodygreen. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).
  2. 10 reasons to add moringa powder to your diet (2022) Good Housekeeping. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).
  3. BSc, A.A. (2018) 6 science-based health benefits of Moringa oleifera, Healthline. Healthline Media. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).
  4. Health benefits of moringa: Is moringa good for you? (no date) WebMD. WebMD. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).
  5. Jamaican moringa oleifera supplier, manufacturer and exporter: Jamrow - pioneers of truly Jamaican herbs and spices (2021) Jamrow. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).

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