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Do You Have To Be Born In Jamaica To Be Jamaican?

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independence_celebrations.jpgDo You Have To Be Born In Jamaica To Be Jamaican? | Independence Celebrations

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Jamaicans are in the most unsuspecting places in the world and a running joke among Jamaican citizens is that no matter how far you are from the island, you will almost always find a Jamaican there.

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With so many Jamaicans relocating, the question of what makes a Jamaican, “Jamaican” comes into a conversation quite frequently. Do you have to be born in Jamaica to be Jamaican?

Do you have to be born in Jamaica to be Jamaican?

In short, the answer is no. There are many ways to be Jamaican whether or not you were born on the island but I would say that is the easiest way.

What makes you a Jamaican citizen?

You can also become a Jamaican citizen by naturalisation, marriage or descent.

This means if you have been living and working in Jamaica for a number of years, married to a Jamaican or of Jamaican parentage you qualify for Jamaican citizenship.

You can apply for Jamaican citizenship under the following categories:

  • Descent
  • Marriage
  • Naturalization
  • Registration (Commonwealth)
  • Registration (Minor)

How do I become a citizen of Jamaica by descent?

All persons born outside of Jamaica to Jamaican parents or who have Jamaican grandparents have an automatic right to Jamaican citizenship. All that is required is a formal application.

Can you claim Jamaican citizenship through grandparents?

Yes, you can. If one or both grandparents of either parent is Jamaican then you have a claim for your Jamaican citizenship.

Can you claim Jamaican citizenship through great-grandparents?

There is currently no information on whether the claim to Jamaican citizenship can be made through great-grandparents. It does state however that for there to be a claim to Jamaican citizenship, your parents/grandparents received Jamaican citizenship on or after Independence in 1962.

How to apply for citizenship through Jamaican parents:

  • A completed citizenship application form
  • 2 certified passport-sized photographs
  • Applicant’s full birth certificate (showing parents’ names)
  • Applicant’s passport
  • Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Jamaican parent’s birth certificate and passport (preferably Jamaican)
  • Parent’s marriage certificate (if applicable)

How to apply for citizenship through Jamaican grandparents:

  • A completed Citizenship application form
  • 2 certified passport-sized photographs
  • Applicant’s full birth certificate
  • Applicant’s passport
  • Applicant’s marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Father/mother’s birth certificate and passport
  • Maternal/paternal grandparent’s birth certificate and passport (preferably Jamaican)
  • Parent’s/grandparent’s marriage certificate (if applicable)

All applications and the related documents should be submitted to the offices of PICA if applying in Jamaica or if you are applying outside the island, a Jamaican High Commission/Consulate.

The original documents will be copied and certified as true copies of the original document and should be given back to you immediately.

How to apply for citizenship through marriage:

If you are married to a Jamaican and wish to be given Jamaican citizenship on virtue of being married, you’ll need to apply in writing to PICA or the Jamaican High Commissions/Consulates if overseas.

These are the necessary documents:

  • Completed application R1 form in duplicate (forms are available from PICA’s website or High Commissions/Consulates)
  • Applicant’s Passport and Birth Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Two (2) recent passport-size photographs
  • Husband’s or Wife’s Birth Certificate and Jamaican Passport
  • Police Report from the country of residence

How to apply for citizenship through naturalisation:

For persons who have lived in Jamaica for 5 years or more and is of good character and financial standing, you are eligible to apply for citizenship in Jamaica.

To apply you’ll need:

  • 2 completed copies of the Naturalisation Form N1 (signed and completed in the presence of a Notary Public)
  • 4 References ( References must come from Jamaicans by birth and should not be civil servants, relatives, lawyers or agents of the person making the application)
  • Birth Certificate and any other evidence of nationality
  • Passport on which the applicant originally entered Jamaica
  • Current passport (if different)
  • Work Permit or Exemption Certificate
  • Evidence of community activities in which the applicant may be involved, e.g. service club, etc.
  • Two (2) passport-size photographs certified by a Justice of the Peace
  • Tax Compliance Certificate

Before submitting the application, your intent to apply must appear in a daily newspaper on two separate occasions at least a week apart. Proof of this should be submitted along with your application.

Application form for naturalisation is available at the PICA offices or website:

Naturalization Application Form 

How to apply for citizenship through registration as Commonwealth Citizen:

For a Commonwealth Citizen who has lived in Jamaica for at least 5 consecutive years, you can apply for registration as a Jamaican citizen. You will need, however, to prove that you are of good character.

You will need:

  • Duplicated copies of the Registration form, R3, signed in the presence of a JP or other notary public.
  • Applicant’s original birth certificate
  • Passport on which the applicant originally entered Jamaica and current passport, if different
  • Work permit or exemption certificate or contract
  • Evidence of community activities in which the applicant is involved, for example, service club, etc
  • Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC)
  • Two certified passport-size photographs
  • Verification of income
  • Recent bank statements

Application form for Registration is available at the PICA offices or website:

How to apply for citizenship through registration as a Minor:

Under the Jamaican Nationality Act, the minor of any citizen of Jamaica may apply to be registered as a citizen of Jamaica by a parent or guardian.

You will need:

  • Duplicated copies of the Registration Form R4 completed by the parent or guardian of the minor in the presence of a JP or notary public.
  • Two references from Jamaicans who are citizens by birth and must not be a relative, lawyer or agent of the applicant.
  • Minor’s Birth Certificate
  • Minor’s passport
  • Parent’s Marriage Certificate
  • Parent’s Passport
  • Evidence of parent’s Jamaican Nationality (if a citizen of Jamaica)
  • Work permit of parents
  • Tax compliance certificate of the applicant
  • Two (2) certified passport-size photographs of the minor

The process takes approximately (24) months.

Application form for Registration is available at the PICA offices or website.

Can I be a Jamaican and US citizen?

Yes. Each country has its regulations on dual or multiple citizenships but in Jamaica, it is not disallowed. In fact, many Jamaicans have dual citizenship in the USA, Canada and England.

Why become a Jamaican Citizen?

There are many advantages to becoming a Jamaican citizen. You will:

  • Acquire a Jamaican Passport
  • Work without a work permit
  • Vote in General and Local Government Elections
  • Receive social benefits and get access to government programmes
  • Exemption from international fees at Jamaica’s premier universities
  • Duty-free allowance from customs and at the airport
  • Right to free speech
  • Register non-Jamaican Spouse as a citizen of Jamaica

What are the requirements to get a Jamaican passport?

jamaican_passport_caricom.jpegJamaican Passport

You will need:

  • Birth Certificate/Adoption Certificate or Jamaican Citizenship Certificate
  • Two (2) identical photographs (NB: only one photograph must be certified and this should be done by the same certifying official who certified your application)
  • A valid Government-issued photo identification (Example: driver's license, voter identification).
  • Proof of name change if your name has been changed (Marriage Certificate, Deed poll, Divorce Decree, Court Order)

More information on how to apply for a Jamaican passport or for passport renewal.

Contact Information

  • Address (Headquarters): 25 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
  • Phone: (876) 908-0142
  • Email:
  • Website:

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References & Sources For Do You Have To Be Born In Jamaica To Be Jamaica?

  1. (no date) Noncommercial information about multiple citizenships and dual citizenship. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  2. Applying for a passport (no date) Applying for a Passport | Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  3. Applying for a passport (no date) Applying for a Passport | Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  4. Applying for Jamaican citizenship (no date) Jamaica Information Service. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  5. Applying for Jamaican citizenship (no date) Jamaica Information Service. Available at:,Descent (Accessed: October 23, 2022).
  6. Citizenship by descent required documents - (no date). Available at: (Accessed: October 24, 2022).
  7. Jamaican citizenship (no date) Jamaica Information Service. Available at: (Accessed: October 23, 2022).

Do You Have To Be Born In Jamaica | Written: October 23, 2022

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