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How to apply for a Japanese Visa in Jamaica



How to apply for a Japanese Visa in Jamaica? || Answered by Kadian Clarke, Associate Writer

Whether you are a Jamaican by birth or an immigrant to the island, applying for a visa can sometimes be difficult and requires some amount of knowledge.

Therefore, I have garnered some vital information that will help you through the process of applying for a Japanese visa in Jamaica.

The application Process

The first thing to be mindful of is that the embassy will only accept your application if you are a Jamaican residence or if you currently live and work in Belize as well as in the Bahamas.

If you are from the Bahamas, you will only need a visa for entry if you are traveling for any paid related activities. Otherwise, a visa is not usually necessary.

Normally, the application process is five business days but may be longer if additional information is required.
Here are the general documents/ requirements needed for a smooth application process.

  1. Visa Application Form
  2. Letter of Invitation in English
  3. Letter of Invitation in Japanese
  4. Letter of guarantee in English
  5. Letter of Guarantee in Japanese
  6. Japan Itinary and;
  7. The list of persons applying for a visa

What types of visas can I Apply for?

The Japanese Embassy in Jamaican offers three types of visas.

  1. The Temporary Visitorโ€™s Visa,
  2. Visa for Work and Long Term Stay,
  3. and the Transit Visa.

The Temporary Visa is given to persons who are staying in the country for a limited period of 90 days for the purpose of non paid business activities, tourism and other activities.

The Transit Visa on the other hand is only granted on the basis that you are stopping in Japan as a route to another country. Once you obtain this visa, please keep in mind that you cannot exceed 15 days in the country.

Also, during this time no business affairs are to take place.

After you have submitted the application with all the relevant documents, it is required by the embassy that you purchase overseas travel insurance.

This will allow you to feel more secure and comfortable, especially since medical expenses can often be high in Japan.
Please note however, that insurance is granted only when all requirements are met.

Submitting Your Application

Now, letโ€™s talk about when to submit your application.

All applications are accepted between the hours of 9:00am โ€“ 12:00pm and also from 1:00pm โ€“ 4:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The office is usually closed for all national and public holidays.

What I find interesting about this embassy though is that an appointment is not necessary; you only need to show up with your application.

Furthermore, questions or concerns regarding your application will be addressed within the same hours of operation.

When To Collect The Visa

Visas are given on Fridays (only) though within the same operation hours. Since it is better for you to have it sooner rather than later, please make every effort to collect it on the given pickup date.
If not, it will not be to you granted until the following Friday.

And For Payment?

This is collected at pick up time with the exception of special cases. By special cases I mean Bahamians and citizens of other countries with a reciprocal visa exemption arrangement with Japan.

Please keep in mind that the full payment is required at this time and only cash is accepted.
Another essential point to note is that applications with incomplete documents will be terminated.

Contact For the Embassy Of Japan in Jamaica

The address is...
6th Floor,
NCB Towers,
North Tower,
2 Oxford Road,
Kingston 5, Jamaica W.I.
(876) 929-3338 (876) 929-3339

Directions can be found below, via Google Maps...

Additional documents for the temporary visitorโ€™s visa can be found at the Japaneese Embassy in Jamaica at the link below.

If you find this information helpful, your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please share your comment in the link below.

Until next timeโ€ฆ


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