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How to get copies of wills and titles of property in Jamaica

by Anonymous

QUESTION about: getting copies of wills and titles of property in Jamaica.

Can you point me in the right direction? I need some help regarding property and how to get copies of wills and titles.

My husbands parents are deceased. His named is on the will as is his brother, but unfortunately he is now suffering from dementia so we do not know where the papers are ok, so the house in question is in Jamaica and his nephews are living in the house at present.

We are funding the land tax, water and electricity and its becoming a drain on our resources. They have totally destroyed the property and have sold everything including the kitchen sink ! They will not work, one who is now a rasta, is telling us Rasta do not pay rent or bills !

How can i help my husband sort out this mess as he can't travel due to ill health and the pressure is making him worse.

Im sorry for bothering you with this but i was wondering if you can help by telling me who to contact .

ANSWER: Lisa C.A. Campbell, Attorney-at-Law

It will be relatively easy to get a copy of the certificate of title. You indicated that you are paying the property taxes.

The tax receipt has a land valuation number on it and that can be used to secure a copy of the title from the National Land Agency, the entity responsible for land administration in Jamaica.

You can access the records online via the NLA website through the Eland Application and pay for the copy of the title via credit card or PayPal.

Please scan and email me a copy of the tax receipt and I will guide you.

The issue re the will is much more problematic. The law does provide for a person being able to record a copy of there will at the Island Records Office at the Registrar Generals Department. However most persons do not do so. But you may conduct a search using name of Testator as well as the date the will would have been done.

Is there another family member who may have a copy of the Will?

In the event that the original will cannot be located then a Grant of Administration in the estate of the last person to die whose name appears on the certificate of title will be necessary.

This is the process used to settle an estate where someone has has died without a will or the will cannot be located.

I suggest that you get a copy of the title first and then I can provide additional advice.

I hope this helps.

Note: Be sure to read answers to other related Jamaica real estate questions here.

Lisa C.A. Campbell
Suite 39 Winchester Business Centre
15 Hope Road Kingston 10, St. Andrew 876-908-1950, 876-908-3518

Editor's Note
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Nov 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

Well you ain't the only one i tell you now !! reading up till you got there dont surprise me

Jan 16, 2018
false will easy to get hold of
by: Anonymous

why has my dad all off a suden not the owner of a piece off his land anymore, but up till i arrived in Jamaica he has always been the owner are false wills easy to forge and blag the courts or whoever to gain title

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