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7 Best Jamaican Dancehall Videos Of All Time

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jamaican_dancehall_videosJamaican Dancehall Videos (Gimmi Di Light - Shaggy,

The genre of dancehall is a multi-faceted arena of colourful personalities, dynamic platforms and real life commentary set to music. As such, when songs in this genre get music videos it is a whole other ball game!

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Started in the 1970’s in Jamaica, dancehall has since broken the bonds of its birthplace to make waves all over the world. Artists like Shabby Ranks, Sean Paul, Patra, Shaggy and countless others have created international hits propelled by their music videos.

While not all the videos on our list made an impact internationally, they still made quite the impression at home.  Come down memory lane with us as we highlight some of the most memorable dancehall videos of all time.

  1. Lovindeer – Wild Gilbert

    I know EVERYBODY and their granny (as we say in Jamaica) remembers this song, especially with the video being as true to life and hilarious as it was.

    It was centered around the aftermath of the devastating Category 3 Hurricane Gilbert which ravaged Jamaica on September 12, 1988 (fun fact, this writer was born on that date!).

    The destruction left behind was no joke, nevertheless, like all Jamaicans, Lovindeer’s song and video shed light on the humorous aspects of the Gilbert’s passing (bully beef anyone?).

  2. Mr. Loverman – Shabba Ranks

    In the early 90’s, this song was one of Shabba Ranks biggest hits. The music video was great, but the piece de resistance was that In Living Color, a comedy sketch show produced by the Wayans brothers in the 90’s, did a HILARIOUS parody of the video called Mr. Ugly Man (if you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out!).

  3. Sean Paul – Gimme Di Light

    Boy did Jamaicans everywhere puff their chest out when this song came out or what? Especially when it went number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts! That video was scalding hot , and those dancers? Don’t get us started! See video above

  4. Shaggy – It Wasn’t Me

    If you did not know the intro of this song word for word you lived under a rock! Yet another song to that went number one on the Billboard Hot 100 charts, with an even more memorable video. Talk about an early 2000’s anthem!

  5. Beenie Man – The Girls Dem Sugar

    Beenie Man by himself, hot, Beeinie Man in collaboration with Maya? Cue the inferno! This song and video were hot! I cannot name a single man who did not have a crush on Maya when that video came out.

  6. Lady Saw – I’ve Got Your Man

    She may be singing gospel songs now, but back in the day when we called her Mumma Saw, the former queen of dancehall pulled no punches, especially with this song. The video? Hot, hot, hot!

  7. Mad Cobra – Flex 

    Mad Cobra ruled the 90’s with this song, and made sure enough eye candy was present for the video. Gyal fleeeeexx…….(such a hard song to get out of your head ).

There are so many other dancehall songs and videos which have made an impact, too many to name via this medium, however, you can find some of the best Jamaican dancehall videos at this link, via

That's fine, thank me later :-)

Serena Grant, 3/11/17

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