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Historic! Port Royal Cruise Port Welcomes It's First Cruise Ship!

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port_royal_cruise_port_terminal_bartlett_welcomes_guest_marcella_jan_20_2020Minister Ed Bartlett Welcomes Visitors To The New Port Royal Cruise Port

The damp conditions didn't stop the party atmosphere as the newly developed Port Royal Cruise Port welcomed it first cruise ship at 8:09am today, January 20, 2020! 

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The Marella Discovery 2 cruise vessel arrived with approximately 2,000 guests to the party atmosphere.


Esteemed members of the political directorate, government agencies, media and several others of mainstream society were on hand to witness this historic occasion. 

Among the group was the Honourable Edward Bartlett, Minsiter of Tourism, The Honourable Olivia 'Babsy' Grange, Minister of Sports, Culture and Gender Affairs, as well as the Prime Minister Of Jamaica, The Honourable, Andrew Holness.


They were treated to authentic Jamaica dancing, singing, drumming and music as well as some of the best food and flavors of Jamaica!


The Prime Minister also reported on his twitter page that he presented Addan and Cislyn Hamilton,  the first two passengers to disembark the Marella Discovery 2  ship, a special welcome gift.


Many of the tourists viewed the historic sites in Port Royal, including the St. Peter's Anglican Church, the  Giddy House at Fort Charles as well as the cannons on the property of  what is said to be the oldest fort in Jamaica.

Selected photos courtesy of

A Buzz Online!!!

And as you can imagine, the celebration extended to social media.

The following are some of the comments posted on twitter!

  • Mayor of Kingston | @MayorWilliamsJA
    'a new day has emerged for Kingston with the arrival of the first cruise ship at Port Royal.The Marella Discovery 2 arrived in Kingston early this morning

  • Pearnel P Charles Jr | @pcharlesjr
    We all witnessed history in #PortRoyal2020 ! The port welcomed its first call - โ€˜Marella Discovery 2โ€™. We take pride in having over 2000 tourists coming to experience the newly developed city. This is development. This is prosperity. This is Port Royal 2020. This is Jamaica!

  • Stephen McCubbin | @StephMcCubbin
    The game has changed. Port Royal 2020!

  • darylvazmp | @darylvazmp
    Kingston is seeing a new day. What a time to be alive. 2020 has started off great for the city of Kingston and Port Royal with the arrival of the Marella Discovery 2 at the Port Royal Cruise Port. Action!

  • The World Up Closer | @theworldcloser
    The first cruise ship to dock in Port Royal! I love my job!  Once the richest city in the Caribbean. Happy to see itโ€™s coming back to life.

  • KA Lindsay | @KemziLinzi
    Port Royal is officially a cruise destination! Today, January 20,2020.... 1,800 tourists from the โ€˜Marella Discovery 2โ€™ docked at the Old Coal Wharf to Jonkunnu & Reggae.

    From January through to April, one cruise ship will dock in Port Royal every month. #Development #Prosperity 

About The City Of Port Royal

Founded in 1518 by the Spanish settlers and once considered the wickedest city on earth, Port Royal flourished in the 16th and the early 17th century.

The city was famous, not only as the hub for commerce and shipping, but later for piracy, lasciviousness and prostitution.

The city was plundered by an earthquake in 1692 in what was said to be God's revenge. 

Today, Port Royal is considered a archaeological treasure with a rich history and invaluable artifacts, on and offshore.

Be sure to read more about Port Royal Jamaica here.

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References To Port Royal Cruise Port

  • "Port Royal welcomes first cruise ship!", "We all witnessed history in #PortRoyal2020",
  • "NOW: Tourists are viewing the historic sites in Port Royal, Kingston",
  • "Bringing authentic Jamaican experiences", Port Authority Of Jamaica,
  • "The Marella Discovery 2 Cruise ship has docked in Port Royal.", TPDCO,

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