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Thank You Patrons!

This page recognizes and appreciates the following persons who believe in my vision for Jamaica and joined my close knit membership community with their financial contribution.

Their monthly pledges helps to support the website, the newsletter and video content produced by

  1. Art F    
  2. Dr. Linda
  3. Cheri Black
  4. Jacqueline M. Cameron
  5. Kelly McGourman
  6. New! Kevin O'connor
  7. Lois Breaux
  8. New! Pauline Buckingham
  9. Paul Fudge
  10. Sherry E. Baker
  11. Sherry Neil  &
  12. Wayne D. Stewart

Congrats on your membership! And thanks again team!
I look forward to the partnership!

For more information on my exclusive Patreon community, click here.

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