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Top Caribbean Colleges
& The Disciplines Offered

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Top Caribbean Colleges by Kesha Stewart || August 26 2017

caribbean collegesCaribbean Colleges

Geographically, the Caribbean region comprises 24 nations, and 4 mainland countries with close links to the Caribbean these are Guyana, French Guyana, Belize and Suriname. This article will highlight some of the institutions of higher learning across the Caribbean and the disciplines offered.

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The University of Antigua will provide opportunities to study the arts and sciences as well as nursing. While the Antigua State College ( offers an introduction to 1st year university programmes in conjunction with the Cave Hill Campus of the UWI.


It’s possible to attain up to a bachelor degree in the Bahamas, students continue studies with territories or countries to include Canada, USA and Britain through mutual agreements.

There is the College of Bahamas focusing on liberal arts with programmes in management, accounting, and other fields and the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute which provides occupational training.


UWI Cave Hill Campus has faculties in the humanities, education, law, social science, pure and applied sciences with 80 graduate programmes.

The Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytechnic, offers technical and vocational training in disciplines such as Building, Business Studies, Automotive and Welding.


Cuba has 47 universities with the University of Havana (est.1728) being one of the oldest in the Americas, it specializes in  32 different career paths and 17 faculties and specializations ranging to include tourist management.

Cuba accommodates about 3500 international medical students. There is also the Latin American School of Medicine a major international medical school in Cuba and a prominent part of the Cuban healthcare structure.

It is possibly the largest medical school in the world by enrolment (all international).  Accommodation and board are free, and a small stipend given to students.

Notably too, there is The Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences (InSTEC). Training is offered in the fields of nuclear and environmental sciences with degrees in nuclear physics, meteorology, radiochemistry, nuclear and energetic technologies.



In Dominican higher education may is accessible through State College formerly Clifton Dupigny Community College, which focuses on hospitality and tourism, nursing, agriculture and teachers training. Alternatively there is the Ross University of Medicine (doctor of medicine and doctor of veterinary medicine degree) or the All Saints University School of Medicine in Loubiere which has three medical programmes up to Master level.

Dominican Republic

University Of Santo Domingo, has 9 faculties and tens of institutes they cooperating with local communities and organizing services such as a day--‐care for students’ children. Or if you prefer, the Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo does engineering, social sciences and humanities. Alternatively The Universidad Iberoamericana provides 17 programmes including law, medicine, engineering and architecture.



One of Jamaica’s higher education particularities is its numerous programmes in theology offered by all the major universities and institutes.

UWI, Mona concentrates on liberal arts, strongly emphasizes linguistic and cultural studies with several under/post graduate degree programmes.

Plus there is the University of Technology, Jamaica (UTech), which offers over 50 programmes at certificate, diploma and degree levels in different fields such as engineering, law, health sciences or business and alternatively the Northern Caribbean University, offering graduate and post graduate degrees in theology, education, business and nursing among others at the various levels.


Trinidad and Tobago


In Trinidad and Tobago all higher education intuitions are located in Trinidad. There is the UWI (St. Augustine) with programme offerings including the humanities and natural sciences. If you prefer, the University of the Southern Caribbean presents degrees in mathematics, education and theology. Furthermore the University of T&T has 2 campuses focusing on engineering and technology.



The University of Haiti (French: l’Université d'Etat d'Haiti or UEH) is one of Haiti’s most important institutions of higher education. They have faculties in law, medicine, topography, agriculture and economics. Of note too is the Université Caraïbe (Caribbean University), organized into six faculties; Letters and Humanities, Engineering, Information Science, Agriculture, Education and Management.



The University of Curaçao offers higher education in Law, Engineering, Social and Behavioural Sciences, among others. It is well connected to universities in the United States and Europe.


Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico (UPR), is the state university system of Puerto Rico. There are 11 campuses in the system. It has the largest and most diverse academic offerings in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean with 472 academic programmes and 32 doctoral programmes.

As you can see there are many options if you want to access higher education in the Caribbean.

Other Top Caribbean Colleges

Here also are additional options, by country, for you to explore.

  1. Antigua University of Health Sciences Antigua,
  2. Bahamas Bahamas  Technical and Vocational  Institute,, Omega College,
  3. Barbados - Barbados Community College,
  4. Dominica- All Saints  University,              
  5. Dominican Republic - Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, or The Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo , Facultad Latinoamericana   de Ciencias Sociales,  Instituto  Filosófico Pedro Francisco Bonó,  Instituto Nacional  de Ciencias Exactas,
  6. Jamaica- International University of the Caribbean, University College of The Caribbean, Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts, College of  Agriculture, Science and Education, G.C. Foster College of Physical  Education and Sport            
  7. Trinidad and Tobago –University of Trinidad and Tobago,, College of  Arts Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago.
  8. Curacao -Intercontinental University of the Caribbean,
  9. Puerto Rico-Ana G. Méndez University System, and Inter-American University of Puerto Rico,   

See Also: List of Caribbean islands

Sources:, local newspapers

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