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Does Jamaica Have A Winter?

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Does Jamaica Have A Winter? | Bloody Bay Beach - NegrilDoes Jamaica Have A Winter? | Bloody Bay Beach - Negril

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Don’t you just love those cold winter mornings snuggled up in your favourite pyjamas and with a warm cup in your hand? Well, in the tropical paradise that is Jamaica, we don’t share those experiences at all.

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Does Jamaica have A Winter?

No, we don’t. Jamaica’s climate does not have as many drastic changes one way or the other. It is basically the same throughout the year. The average temperature all year round is within 73°F or above 89°F25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit).

Extremely hot summers can get as hot as 32 degrees Celsius (91 degrees Fahrenheit). In the colder months, despite the big production of thick sweaters and socks, are usually no lower than 71°F.

Does Jamaica get snow?

No, Jamaica has never experienced snow and given the location of the country (In the tropics), the chances of that ever occurring are, I confidently say, non-existent.

Does Jamaica have four seasons?

No, we don’t. We only have two and they aren’t similar to the ones you are familiar with. Because we are close to the equator and experience so much sun daily, our seasons can only be broken down into the wet and dry seasons.

This is not specific to Jamaica, all tropical countries experience this. Certain parts of the year have significantly lower rainfall than others and so we use this to differentiate between the two.

The wet (or rainy) season is usually around July to October which is followed by the dry season which means more consistent weather and less tropical rainfall.

Does Jamaica Participate in Winter Sports?

Jamaica’s moderate success at winter sports is even more astonishing when you remember that Jamaica does not have winters, to begin with. Our legendary bobsled team was the inspiration behind the very popular movie “Cool Runnings”. Jamaica has been able to qualify for many stagings of the Winter Olympics since it first entered and has actually qualified in bobsledding and skiing. However, our winter sports teams are still working on our first Winter Olympic medal.

So, since we don’t have Winter to look forward to, What do we do instead? There is still plenty more to do:

  • Instead of Snowmen, we have sand carvings instead and not just sand castles either. On any given beach you are likely to find a local artiste carving lions, mermaids, humans, you name it.

  • Cocoa or Chocolate Tea is had throughout the year despite the sweltering heat. It is seen as a cardinal sin against all Jamaican (and I think the Caribbean), grandmothers to leave the house without “something warm”.

  • Snowball fights are substituted for “Water War”, which is the same concept just with different materials. We use water guns, balloons, clear plastic bags (poly bags), filled with water or the garden hose. This is definitely a fun way to escape the heat.

  • So there you have it! Jamaica does not have winter but, that makes it the perfect escape from the cold winter months. Book your trip to visit our many inviting attractions and historical sites. Our music and food are awaiting you too.

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References & Sources For Does Jamaica Have A Winter

  1. Seasons in Jamaica: Weather and Climate, 
  2. Jamaica - Climate | Britannica, 
  3. Happy First Day of Spring - Are there seasons in Jamaica?,
  4. Seasons in Jamaica: Weather and Climate,,are%20coldest%20months%20in%20Jamaica.
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