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Leaf of Life
Are There Real Health Benefits?

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jamaican_leaf_of_life_for_teaLeaf of Life Plant

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

We take pride and joy in sharing traditional Jamaican herbs and remedies. Some we’ve discovered along the way, through research and interviews with herbalists, while others have been passed down through generations. But this plant, The leaf of life, is one I can personally attest to and have been using for as long as I can remember.

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Is Leaf of Life indigenous to Jamaica?

No, the leaf of life is not indigenous to Jamaica. Scientifically known as bryophyllum pinnatum, the leaf of life plant, is indigenous to Africa, but it is widely found in many tropical and subtropical regions, including here in Jamaica.

How Do I Use Leaf of Life?

As we've established, this gem is native to Africa, but we’ve adopted it here in Jamaica. The leaf of life is one of our go-to’s, especially when tackling respiratory issues. A simple cup of tea made from a few leaves can soothe asthma, colds, coughs, shortness of breath, and even bronchitis.

Making it as tea is not your only option either. You can beat the leaves and take a shot of the juice with a sprinkle of salt or as is. You can also boil the leaves with garlic to make it even more potent. If you want to skip all the extra steps, simply wash the leaves properly and take a bite. Yes, you can chew the raw leaves.

What are The Health Benefits of Leaf of Life?

The leaf of life is more than just a remedy for the seasonal flu though. It is a natural remedy known for its potential to treat kidney stones, sleep disorders, and diabetes. Pregnant women with sleep disorders reported improved sleep quality after receiving 350 mg tablets containing the plant extract.

It also has anti-microbial compounds that benefit the skin and have been used to treat minor injuries, with poultices applied to ease pain, promote faster healing, and prevent infection.

The antibacterial qualities of the leaf of life tea can also help to reduce the amount of "bad" bacteria in the digestive system. To strengthen the immune system, soak the stem and leaves in water and use the infusion every day. It works well as a cleanse to get rid of toxins and waste from the body.

Does the leaf of life burn fat?

When it comes to using the leaf of life for shedding those extra pounds, I must admit, there isn't any rock-solid research to back up those claims. However, there are some intriguing aspects to this leafy wonder that might just play a role in the weight loss game.

Take, for instance, its knack for intestinal cleansing. Now, we all know that a clean system is a happy one, and that can surely contribute to shedding a few pounds. And here's where it gets interesting – immune-boosting properties. Starting a weight loss program can sometimes hit your immune system like a one-two punch.

The shock to your body might leave you a bit vulnerable to the flu or those annoying colds. Enter the leaf of life – it could be like your immune system's personal trainer during this weight loss journey. Boosting immunity while shedding pounds? That's like a two-for-one deal!

So, while the heavyweight research might not be in full swing, there's a sensible side to why the leaf of life could be a companion in your weight loss efforts.
If you ask me, this is one of those plants that you will want to keep handy. Want to learn more about other Jamaican herbs? Grab a copy of our E-book, 101 Jamaican Wellness Secrets.

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References & Sources For Leaf of Life

  1. Grant, D. (2016) Leaf of life and Weight Loss, All Woman. Available at: (Accessed: 30 January 2024).
  2. grant, W.D. (2016) Leaf of life and Weight Loss, All Woman. Available at: (Accessed: 30 January 2024).
  3. How much do you know about these 7 amazing leaf of life benefits? (2023) Available at: (Accessed: 30 January 2024).
  4. Richardson, J. (2019) Botanical roots: Why you should use leaf of life: Loop Jamaica, Loop News. Available at: (Accessed: 30 January 2024).
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