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Catadupa Plastic Waste Recycling Initiative
Using Art to Save The Environment

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Cata Doc | Catadupa Plastic Waste Recycling InitiativeCata Doc | Catadupa Plastic Waste Recycling Initiative

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

When we went to Catadupa initially, it was to feature the history of the community. It just so happens that one of Catadupaโ€™s historians, Catadoc, who was able to impart so much knowledge on the history of the community and Jamaica as a whole, also had a plastic waste recycling initiative.

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We were lucky enough for him to share it with us and so we are sharing it with you.

Watch Video! Catadupa, A Forgotten Gem Preparing For Glory!

The home of a National Hero and the old train station hub in western Jamaica. Community members share the history of Catadupa!

Cata Doc Plastic Waste Recycling Initiative - Using Art to Save The Environment

While the rest of us discard our garbage, Cata Doc uses it to create art. From plastics and other waste materials he is able to create:

  • Vases made from plastic bottles and coconut shells
  • Jewellery made from coconut shells 
  • Brooms made from plastic bottles
  • Jewellery boxes from lighters
  • Planes
  • Desk Pen Holder

his toy cars are the star of the show though. With so many variations of types, colours and purposes it would be hard for them to be otherwise. There are police cars, tipper trucks, water trucks, yes, with water inside and cars that are able to move.

Another plus for the environment, these cars are not operated by batteries. They are operated by the elastic band on the bottom that controls the wheels of the car and can be easily replaced if it bursts or comes loose.

His creations, though not yet on the market, are very popular in the community and nearby communities as well. His services are used for school projects as well. In fact, while we were there he was creating a school bag from cardboard for a childโ€™s school project.

Cata Docโ€™s many talents serve his community well, the plastic waste recycling initiative is one thing but he is also the local tailor and shoemaker who not only fixes shoes, he makes them and purses too!

He is also an avid painter and was used to selling his paintings some time ago to tourists. He is therefore excited about the prospect of trains returning to Jamaica and Catadupa specifically.

Catadoc is also big on community outreach and development and found a way to merge his creativity, plastic waste recycling activism and community activism all in one.

The children in the community are all welcomed to learn more from him about creativity and through that become environmentally conscious and develop a sense of community.

From all this it hardly sounds like he has any spare time but, on the off chance that he does, he loves to play music. But it wouldnโ€™t have been Cata Doc unless he used his gift to assist the community somehow.

He along with his other musically gifted friends use their talents to raise money for the school in the community and donate the proceeds in cash or kind to the school.

He is willing to participate in programmes and special events showcasing the ways we can be more environmentally friendly to share his knowledge and his creativity.

We all might not have a plastic waste initiative but if we tried to be a little more like Cata Doc Nature would thank us for it.

You can contact him at +1 (876) 830-7768.

Watch Video! Plastic Waste Recycling Initiative

Cata Doc's plastic waste initiative is cleaning up his little corner of Jamaica through art. Watch how he does this by creating the most amazing items.

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References & Sources For Catadupa Plastic Waste Recyling Initiative

  1. This man in rural Jamaican transforms WASTE PLASTIC into TOYS! #platicrecycling,

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