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Song of a Blue Mountain Stream

by Veron


I would like to get the word of the poem by Reginald M Murray, "Song of a Blue Mountain Stream" .

I would love to teach it to my 10 year old who is interested in poetry.

Thanks, veron

Answer: Dec.21.08 by W.Gayle

Update! - The poem was found - see below. See posting by Joel D'Hue dated Feb 7, 2010.

Hi Veron,

I've done some research but can't seem to find anything. I am hopeful that someone from Jamaica who knows the words will share them with us by posting their answer below.

I find my site visitors are very helpful in this regard.

Stay in touch!


Comments for Song of a Blue Mountain Stream

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Feb 05, 2018
The poem "Drought"- author
by: Anonymous

" The poem "Drought" was by Mitzi Townsend

Nov 18, 2016
Drought: Name of poet
by: Anonymous

The poem "Drought" was written by Mitzie Townsend.

Dec 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

Mr. or Ms. Anonymous

Oh my goodness, this is the poem. Thank you sincerely. I truly appreciate this.

Wow, you have made my year, my month and my day.
God bless you richly.

Many thanks again.


Dec 29, 2015
Words for the poem drought
by: Anonymous

I am the parched earth of this Island that cries for water
From the hurly burly of Kingston, to the quiet peace of Negril
This is my cry, water!

The rains do not fall, and the giant tree roots rumble through my belly
Digging and tearing in their quest, for they are thirsty.

The cattle hungry, munch on dead dry grass
They cannot now grow green
Wondering, in their mute patience if this is some new experiment
Must their kind die again to prove its fault

The flowers to beautify my country cannot grow.
Their seeds fall dutifully upon my skin
Only to wither away into nothingness
For there is no moisture to sustain them

And in the churches the people pray
They lift their eyes to heaven and call aloud
Rain! Oh God! Give us rain!
Give us rain that we may plant our fields to feed our families and our fellowmen.

Rain! In this land of wood and water
That our animals may eat of lush green grass again
That our rivers may once more swell with pride

And the agony of my drought bound bound body echoes the call. Give us rain!

Dec 29, 2015
This is how I remember it
by: Barbara T

In a cleft remote where white mist float
Around blue mountain's peak
I rise unseen beneath a stream
Of fog clouds dank and bleak

I trickle, I flow to the hills below
And vales that lie far under
From babbleings low I louder grow
I shout, I roar, I thunder

I fall with a rush in the morning hush
While the mountain sleeping lies
There's slow I creep, there's swift I sleep
Till the sound of my motion dies

Oh I rejoice in the night wind's voice
As soft it kisses my stream
I dance and shimmer, and glance and glimmer
Where moonlit reaches gleam

With ice cold waves I gently laves
They echoes as I wander
I gleam and glide neath mountain pride
I murmur and meander

Through fern arched dells where fairy bells
And voilet scents the air
While call above the soft blue dove
Our lone voice solitaire

And here I crash with silver flash
Over a mighty crag
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees are downward dragged

Till last I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer
O'er vales below and seaward flow
A river broad and stronger.

Nov 05, 2015
by: Anonymous

i am looking for the lyrics for the poem drought. The last verse goes like this"and the agony of my drought bound body echoes the cry, give us rain.
this poem was more like a prayer for rain.

your help is greatly appreciated

Aug 30, 2015
Song of a Blue Mountain stream
by: Ralph Smith

Memories of more than fifty years ago when elocution was an important part the our primary school experiences in Jamaica.

Along other great Jamaican poems that I had to memorize and recite, this poem by R.M. Murray 'song of a Blue Mountain stream' has been etched in my brain and I am truly excited to see so many expressing memory of it.

I had been whooped to get it right but I did get it and now looking back fifty-five years later. WOW!!!

Apr 30, 2014
i did the poem in primary school competion and i came first out of 3 and even though its 45 years ago still rember like yesterday
by: Hyacinth Deperalto

In a cleft remote where white mist float around the blue mountain's peak, i rise unseen beneath the screen of fog clouds dark and bleak. I trickle i flow to the hills below and the hills that lies far under. From babblings low i louder grow i shout i roar i thunder. I fall with a rush in the morning hush while the mountain sleeping lies. There swift i sweep,here slow i creep till the sound of my motion dies o i rejoic in the night winds voice as soft it kisses my stream and dance and glimmer and prance and shimmer til moonlit reaches gleam
With ice cold waves i gently lave the flowers as i wander i gloom and glide neath mountain pride. I murmur and meander through fern arched dells where flowers and violet scent the air while calls above the soft blue dove or lone voiced solitaire.
And here i crash with silver flash over a mighty crag and the echoes ring as i headlong fling the trees i downward drag and last i pour with deafening roar a mountain stream no longer Oer plains below and seaward flow a river broad and stronger

Apr 30, 2014
i did the poem in primary school competion and i came first out of 3 and even though its 45 years ago still rember like yesterday
by: Hyacinth Deperalto

In a cleft remote where white mist float around the blue mountain's peak, i rise unseen beneath the screen of fog clouds dark and bleak. I trickle i flow to the hills below and the hills that lies far under. From babblings low i louder grow i shout i roar i thunder. I fall with a rush in the morning hush while the mountain sleeping lies. There swift i sweep,here slow i creep till the sound of my motion dies o i rejoic in the night winds voice as soft it kisses my stream and dance and glimmer and prance and shimmer til moonlit reaches gleam
With ice cold waves i gently lave the flowers as i wander i gloom and glide neath mountain pride. I murmur and meander through fern arched dells where flowers and violet scent the air while calls above the soft blue dove or lone voiced solitaire.
And here i crash with silver flash over a mighty crag and the echoes ring as i headlong fling the trees i downward drag and last i pour with deafening roar a mountain stream no longer Oer plains below and seaward flow a river broad and stronger

Dec 03, 2013
Great Memories
by: Bill

I had this poem way back there when I was attending the Bohemia Primary School in Jamaica.
I got so much wipping for this poem and did not know it untill I left school. Thanks for the words. This poem brings back so many good memories of my childhood days in school.I remember this poems and always make reference to it all my life. Great job to all those who came together and remembered the words.

Jul 09, 2013
Memorised over fifty five years ago, cannot remember all but someone else may
by: G.W F.

Missing verse

And here I flash with (...) crash over a mighty ..
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag
Till last I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer

Jul 09, 2013
Memorised over fifty five years ago, cannot remember all but someone else may
by: G.W F.

Missing verse

And here I flash with (...) crash over a mighty ..
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag
Till last I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer

Jul 02, 2013
Song of a Blue....
by: J Binns

If my memory serves me correctly, here are the missing verses to the poem:

And here I crash with a silver flash
Over a mighty crag
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag

'till last, I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer
O'er plains below, and seaward flow
A river, broad and stronger.

(I beautiful poem; and a favorite of mine.)

Jul 02, 2013
Song of a Blue....
by: J Binns

If my memory serves me correctly, here are the missing verses to the poem:

And here I crash with a silver flash
Over a mighty crag
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag

'till last, I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer
O'er plains below, and seaward flow
A river, broad and stronger.

(I beautiful poem; and a favorite of mine.)

Jun 02, 2013
Poem called Drought
by: Anonymous

Yes I do know that poem unfortunately I don't recall most of the words or who is the author.I would be happy if someone would help in reminding us of those words.

Editor's Note

Is this the one my friend?

By Ethel Rovere
Another day of sunshine,
Another day of heat.

The grass once lush and verdant
Lies parched beneath our feet.
For months no rain has fallen,
Each scorching day goes by.

A runner tells us that the spring
At Nottingham is dry.
The public tank at Mandeville
Gave out three weeks ago,
And now if Berry Hill should fail
Where can the people go?

The red hibiscus blossoms
Are small and pale and wan.
The dainty blue plumbago
Droopsโ€”withered by the sun.
Our stock are dying daily
For lack of grass and grain,
Our crops are parched and withered.

Almighty God, send rain.

Jun 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am also trying to find the words for that wonderful poem. All I recall is..."I am the parched earth of this island that cries for water, from the hurly burly of Kingston to the quiet peace of Negril. This is my cry WATER. The rains do not fall and the giant tree roots rumble and tumble in their quest for water.

Hope someone will remember the words in its entirety.

Jun 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

I am also trying to find the words for that wonderful poem. All I recall is..."I am the parched earth of this island that cries for water, from the hurly burly of Kingston to the quiet peace of Negril. This is my cry WATER. The rains do not fall and the giant tree roots rumble and tumble in their quest for water.

May 22, 2013
Need your help
by: Anonymous

Hi everyone
Have you ever heard of a poem called drought.i desperately need to find this poem.I learned it as a little girl. I want to teach it to my daughter but I don't remember most of it. It starts like this. I am the parched earth of this island that cries for water. And in the middle it said rain oh god give us rain. Echo the call give us rain . It's such a beautiful poem. I would love to know who the author is . Thank you in advance

Mar 19, 2013
by: Skinny

Still trying to find a poem with the line:
".and the far red light of home". I have looked everywhere, and for the life of me I cannot remember anymore of it.

Help me please,

Feb 25, 2013
Memories from my School Days
by: James Messam

Thanks for sharing this poem with people of interest. It was just over the week-end I remember the poem and decided to look for it. It has brought back fond memories from my past. We used to do this poem as a choral piece at the Rock River All Age School in Clarendon, Jamaica. How happy I am to recall these wonderful memories.

Feb 01, 2013
Remembering " Song of a ...."
by: Beverly

I am trying to remember this poem. I grew in Portland,where the Rio Grande flows, This poem was written by R. M. Murray a one time headmaster of Jamaica College, also an Education Officer in the days gone by. R.M. Murray lived in Mill Bank, his housekeeper was called Miss Edna, how I know R.M. was a family friend. Anyway, his poem, along with others were published in a book I used in school in the sixties. I just cant remember all the words the poem. So please help me get this poem. Thanks

Oct 21, 2012
Jamaican Poems
by: Eric

The Song of a Blue mountain stream, the leaves were having a party and the song of the Banana man are probably my favorite poems from elementary school.

Oct 21, 2012
Jamaican Poems
by: Eric

The Song of a Blue mountain stream, the leaves were having a party and the song of the Banana man are probably my favorite poems from elementary school.

Oct 21, 2012
Jamaican Poems
by: Eric

The Song of a Blue mountain stream, the leaves were having a party and the song of the Banana man are probably my favorite poems from elementary school.

Oct 17, 2012
The Blue Mountain Stream
by: Albert Baker

I learned this Poem in form 3 at Garlogie school which we would resite.
Many thanks to all the folks who help to find the full and true version.

Oct 17, 2012
The Blue Mountain Stream
by: Albert Baker

I learned this Poem in form 3 at Garlogie school which we would resite.
Many thanks to all the folks who help to find the full and true version.

Sep 20, 2012
I Do Not Recall Verses 2 and 3
by: Dorman

Oh! Great poem. Lucea Primary. Late 1960s. Just cannot seem to recall which teacher. Mrs. Samuels at Grade 6, or Brenda Longmore-Ruddock, you name it. So many great poems. In fact, I always loved poetry - Tarantella, Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore, Lochinvar, The Sands of Dee. Oh! Don't let me start. The singing of 'A Tiny Brown Lizard', or 'Cock Robin'. I think we were told RN Murray was related to the late Lascelles Murray, Candidate for MHR in Hanover (cannot confirm). Today's kids don't know a Bible verse. They know no poetry. How my heart bleeds for them.

Aug 17, 2012
This is the last verse which you are missing
by: Hartnell

I fall with a crush in the morning hush
While the mountain sleeping lies
While vales below and whitew mist flow
A river broad and stronger.

Aug 17, 2012
This is the last verse which you are missing
by: Hartnell

I fall with a crush in the morning hush
While the mountain sleeping lies
While vales below and whitew mist flow
A river broad and stronger.

May 24, 2012
At last I have found it.
by: Anonymous

The original words for the Song of the Blue Mountsin Stream by R. M. Murray can be found on Page B-57 in "Anthology of the Poetry of the West Indies". It was also my favorite poem in elementary school Montego Bay.

May 04, 2012
This is how it goes
by: Barbara

The Song of the Blue Mountain Stream
Reginald M. Murray

In a cleft remote where white mists float
Around Blue Mountain's peak
I rise unseen beneath a screen
of fog clouds dank and bleak.

I trickle, I flow to the hills below
and vales that lie far under.
From babblings low I louder grow
I shout, I roar, I thunder

I fall with a rush in the morning hush
While the mountain sleeping lies
Thereโ€™s slow I creep, thereโ€™s swift I sleep
Till the sound of my motion dies

Oโ€™ I rejoice in the night windโ€™s voice
As soft it kisses my stream
And dance and shimmer, and glance and glimmer
Where moonlit reaches gleam

With ice cold waves, I gently lay
The echoes as I wonder
I gleam and glide โ€˜neath mountain pride
I murmur and meander

Through fern arched dells where
Fairy bells and violets scent the air
while called above, the soft blue dove
our lone voice solitaire

And here I crash with silver flash
Over a mighty crag
And the echoes ring as I head long fling
The trees are downward dragged

Till last I pour with deafening roar
A mountain stream no longer
Oโ€™er vales below and seaward flow
A river broad and stronger

Apr 26, 2012
find a poem titled drought {jamaican)
by: Anonymous

please help me find this poem titled drought.I have been searching everywhere. This is how it begins. I am the parched earth of this island that cries for water. from the early burly of kingston to the quiet piece of negril, this is my cry water...........

Sep 01, 2011
Song of a Blue Mountain Stream
by: Savanna la Mar

Thats what I like about us Jamaicans,we can put our heads together and come up with the right answer everytime.Song of a Blue Mountain Stream can be found in The Royal Caribbean Reader,Book Two.It was my class recitation way back in 1950.What memories. Now,can anyone help with..Jamaica,by Tom Redcam,and When the Lignum Vitae Blooms,by ?,also Drought in Manchester by ?.Please help alla oonuh.Thanks,Your fellow countryman living in a foreign land.

Jul 19, 2011
Who wrote the poem
by: Anonymous

RMMURRY was the head master for Mico.his wife had died ,he sent his 2daughters Canada forhigher education.bought a home in MILLBANK portland where he hired the local hunters who knew the mountians, with them he would head for the highest peak or darkest valley sometimes hewould be gone for weeks it is the Rio Grande River he wrote.he died in 1968

May 08, 2011
Beautiful Memories
by: clarence

I attended the Irwin Hill Primary School in St. James , Jamaica where my mother mrs. Forbes taught the lower division. The principal Miss Brown was a very cultural person and exposed us to a lot of poetry including this beautiful poem.

This poem has stayed on my mind and heart for over 50 years and it was a joy to find it again. I get the same beautiful feeling I got the first time I heard it having been quite a romantic from a very early age.What a difference from the type of lyrics children are being exposed to today. Many thanks to your site, keep up the good work.

May 06, 2011
song of the mou
by: Anonymous


And here I crash,
With silver flash,
Over a mighty grag

And the echoes ring,
As I headlong fling,
The trees I downward drag.

Till last I pour,
With deafing roar,
A mountain stream no longer
O'er plains below,
I seaward flow,
A River, broad and stronger!

Apr 06, 2011
by: Anonymous


Mar 12, 2011
lovely poem
by: audrey thomas

i have been looking for this poem for so long,thank you guys! my teacher was mrs.granderson at crooked river school,clarendon.she taught her class this poem.

Jan 07, 2011
Another Correction
by: Clair

Didn't notice I made a mistake when i looks dreadful.

Anyway here is the correct poem in it's entirety.

The Song Of A Mountain Stream
By Reginald M. Murray

In a cleft remote
Where white mists float
Around Blue Mountain's Peak,
I rise unseen
Beneath a screen
Of fog-clouds dank and bleak
I trickle, I flow
To the hills below
And vales that lie far under,
From babblings low
I louder grow,
I shout, I roar, I thunder.

I fall with a rush
In the morning hush
While the mountain seeping lies,
There swift I sweep,
Here slow I creep,
Till the sound of my motion dies;
Oh! I rejoice
In the night wind's voice
As soft it kisses my stream,
And dance and glimmer
And glance and shimmer
Where moon-lit reaches gleam.

With ice-cold wave
I gently lave
The flowers as I wander,
I gloom and glide
'Neath Mountain Pride,
I murmur and meander
Thru arched fern dells
Where fairy-bells
And violets scent the air
While calls above
The soft blue dove
It's lone voice solitaire.
And here I crash
With a silver flash
Over a mighty crag,
The echoes ring
As I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag;
Till last I pour
With deafening roar,
A mountain stream no longer,
O'er plains below
And seawards flow
A river broad and stronger .

Jan 07, 2011
by: Skinny

Rudolph,I think there might still be a line that is not correct.

Again, I it has been a long time ago for me, but as I read the complete poem now, it seems to me that the second to last line should be .."towards seaward flow..."

I am just saying!

PS: We might be related. I was told one side of my family is from Mavis Bank, a big family, the Drysdales.


Jan 07, 2011
by: Joel D'Hue

I keep making typo errors. That should be INSIGHTFUL....NOT INCITEFUL

Jan 07, 2011
by: Joel D'Hue

The words that I put up on this site Feb. 2010 were those found in the book from the Cornel Library. I think there are errors in it.

It is not the way I remember the poem but then I was very young when I heard the poem. In fact I did not learn it in school. I heard my older sisters recite it and I agree that it should read...a MOUNTAIN stream no longer. Thank you Clair for the correction.

As you can see there are typo errors as well. I will correct these soon.
We should keep this action going. There may be someone who knows of another published version of this extremely beautiful and inciteful work. Does anyone know anything about the Author?

Jan 07, 2011
Such sweet reverie!
by: Skinny

Thanks guys, I have been trying to find it for the past forty plus years. I remember having to recite it for Ms. Topper at Golden Grove Elementary School, in St. Thomas. Although I left Jamaica over 55 years ago, those memories still linger.

Now here is a new challenge: How about a poem with the line "...and the far red light of home."

Please, someone help me out. I would be eternally greatful.

Nov 30, 2010
A Correction
by: clair

"A highwood stream no longer' THIS SHOULD READ A MOUNTin stream no longer.

Nov 30, 2010
I too Remember This Poen
by: Clair

I really appreciate the person who found the words to The Song Of A Blue Mountain Stream. Certainly appreciate it.

I and my other class mates were also taught this Poem maybe in fourth grade, I remember reciting it on stage with all it's expressions taught by my Teacher, Miss Fan at Preston Primary School eons ago in the 60s. God Bless You Miss fan

I never forgot it's existence but could not remember all the verses.

Nov 18, 2010
Song of a Blue Stream Stream
by: verna

Thank you Joel,like others I have been searching for this poem for years.I remembered most of it but not all. This poem is obviously important to many. UK

Jul 08, 2010
Bless you all
by: Marcia - Kgn. Jamaica

Friends I thought I was the only persons trying to find the words to this poem. It has been haunting me for more than 20 years. I will never lose the words again. Thanks and blessings.

May 27, 2010
The song of the blue mountain stream.
by: Anonymous

Thanks to you guys I have been searching for this poem for years. I learn it when i was in fourth grade at Derry primary school in st Mary over 40 yrs ago.

I was just asking a friend if he knows it, he recommended that I Google search it. My heart fill with Joy when I saw it, bring me back to the class room when we have to recite it with all the expression.

thanks again.

Ireta Johnson.

Apr 22, 2010
Song of The Blue Mountain Stream
by: Rudolph

Today April 21 2010 marks the joyous end to a very long search for this wonderful poem. It was by accident. I did not know that anyone else was looking for it.

I also did this poem in elementary school 2000 feet up the Blue Mountains in the hills of St. Andrew - Mavis Bank.

Thanks to that kind person who posted it .
I must go read my poem now. Bye.

Apr 15, 2010
Paving The way To The Blue Mountain Stream
by: Joan S.

Well hello there to everyone who showed interest and remained interested in this poem.

This means so much to me that I feel like hugging everyone, especially the person who finally found this poem.

Dear friends, My interest goes way back to my childhood days when I lived in the Parish of Portland, Cascade District.

Our family home was situated on a hill nestled in a bit of plain land.but the rest of the property was hilly all around as far as the eyes could see.

The house was faced towards the Blue Mountains and we had the full view of the highest peak amongst them. I am just picturing the sights!!!

Well, I was taught that poem and we had to recite this whenever asked to do so, by teachers and parents.

Now, I had a very active imagination, and used to visualize the "stream" flowing in the manner as depicted in the poem.realizing, that that somewhere, that stream becomes a river, then from the river eventually flow to the sea. BEAUTIFUL!!I could go on and on.

However, thanks a million. (smile) Joan

Apr 05, 2010
Song of a Blue Mountain Stream by Reginald Murray
by: Shirley Baker

The entry dated 07 Feb 2010 is pretty near the version I have. I am a Jamaican and we learnt the poem in school because we feel it was about our blue mountain!

Feb 07, 2010
Someone put up the link to the Cornel Library but did not leave his/her name
by: Joel D'Hue

Here is the Poem:

The Song Of A Mountain Stream

In a cleft remote
Where white mists float
Around Blue Mountain?s Peak,
I rise unseen
Beneath a screen
Of fog-clouds dark and bleak
I trickle, I flow
To the hills below
And vales that lie far under,
From babblings low
I louder grow,
I shout, I roar, I thunder.

I fall with a rush
In the morning hush
While the mountain seeping lies,
There swift I sweep,
Here slow I creep,
Till the sound of my motion dies;
Oh! I rejoice
In the night wind?s voice
As soft it kisses my stream,
And dance and glimmer
And glance and shimmer
Where moon-lit reaches gleam.

With ice-cold wave
I gently lave
The flowers as I wander,
I gloom and glide
?Neath Mountain Pride,
I murmur and meander
Thru? fern-arched dells
Where fairy-bells
And violets scent the air
While calls above
The doleful dove
And lone voiced solitaire.

And here I crash
With silver flash
Over a mighty crag,
And the echoes ring
As I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag;
Till last I pour
With deafening roar,
A highwood stream no longer,
O?er plains below
And seawards flow
A river broad and stronger .

By Reginald M Murray 

Feb 07, 2010
by: Pam Dennett

I seem to remember this from The Song of the Blue Mountain Stream:

I trickle and flow to the bills below and vales that lie far under Through babbling brook and something something,
I murmer and meander, etc. etc.

I do hope someone would give us the whole poem. I think it was either in the Royal Reader or the West Indian Reader that I read these poems along with others such "Mary go and call the cattle home", There was a ship of Rio sailed out into the blue" and many others. This is going back 52 years ago. What wonderful books they were. Does anyone still have the books? Pam

Feb 02, 2010
The song of a Mountain Stream
by: Anonymous

Thank you so very much. I, myself, have been searching for this poem for the longest while. It is so very, very beautiful.

Jan 28, 2010
song of the blue mountain stream
by: claudette

you can log in under
reginald myrie murray or under the name of this book

good luck. you may respond to my email....

Nov 14, 2009
Poem in a book called "Ramblings"
by: Anonymous

The Cornell university library has a copy of a book called "Ramblings", written by Reginald Myrie Murray. It is a collection of his poems.

You can find "The Song of a Mountain Stream" and others at the following website:

Mar 28, 2009
Try Australian Poet - Henry Kendall
by: Tim

I believe the words you're looking for are written by an Australian poet from the 1800's - Try searching for or googling information on Australian Poet - Henry Kendall.

Hope it helps.


Feb 07, 2009
Song of a Blue Mountain Stream
by: Joel D'Hue

I do not know the whole poem but I do remember some of it. Here goes:

In a cleft remote where white mists float
Around Blue Mountain's peak
I rise unseen beneath a screen
Of fog clouds dank and bleak.

I trickle I flow to the hills below
And vales that lie far under.
From bablings low I louder grow
I shout I roar I thunder

Through fern arched dells where
Fairy bells and violets scent the air
While calls above the soft blue dove
And lone voiced solitaire.

(This is where I get lost but I do remember one more verse)

Then last I pour with deafening roar
Over a mighty crag.
And the echoes ring as I headlong fling
The trees I downward drag.

I have been trying to find the words myself so if you get lucky and find someone who knows the whole poem I'd like a copy of it. Thanks

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