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Welcome Back

by Karen Jackson
(Bridgeport, Connecticut)

First, have a car prepared to pick you up from the airport to the hotel or wherever you are going.

Make sure you bring luggage you can manage with two hands upon leaving immigration check. If not, you must at least have $10 american dollars to give to a porter.

My 1st day in Jamaica was horrible with three children - no fault of Jamaica though. My credit card was blocked and my business plans where ruined for the rest of my stay.

However, the Courtleigh Hotel accommodated my needs along with my children 5 hrs after landing.

The Courtliegh Hotel staff was cordial and food was good but waiting an hour or more to get settled was ridiculous.

In the end, it was worth the wait. Everyone I dealt with had the professionalism I expected and required.

Hellshire beach is beautiful and relaxing. If you want to ride a horse or use a blown-up inner tune have $400JA dollars.

The food and the experience there was great though -the fish & festival as well as the caretaker.

It was not nice to see policemen with rifles in abundance, but I realized they were just there to get food because of their short visit.

My children medical issues disappeared with a day of being in Jamaica less than 24 hrs. No stuffy nose, sneezing or snoring. He did not even need his CPAP machine!

I plan to make Jamaica my home again, so my goal is to establish a monetary stream :-)

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