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What Drink Is Jamaica Known For?
12 of Our Most Popular Drinks

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drinks_made_with_jamaican_rum_bob_marley_shot.PNGWhat Drink Is Jamaica Known For?

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associate Writer

Jamaica is well known for its music, culture and athletic prowess. But, its gastronomic delights are just as compelling a reason to visit. What drinks should you try in Jamaica? I’m sure you are already familiar with Rum Punch, but here are 12 other delicious recommendations 12 of the best.

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jamaican_sorrel_drinkJamaican Sorrel
  1. Fruit Juices - With so many fruits on the island, we had to find some way to use them all and one of the easiest solutions for that is a refreshing drink. We make juices out of whatever is in season, mango, melon, orange, soursop, cherry, apple, starfruit or june plum is spared. And although it isn’t a fruit, carrot juice is the perfect accompaniment to Sunday dinner.

  2. Ting - A good carbonated drink sometimes hits the spot although they are known to be quite unhealthy. Jamaicans love to convince themselves that Ting isn’t as unhealthy because it is made from grapefruit which has many health benefits. It pairs exceptionally with alcoholic spirits and is often used as a chaser in cocktails and mixes.

  3. Red Stripe - Red Stripe is on the Mount Rushmore of things to try in Jamaica. The classic red bottle is a clear indication that you are on the island having the time of your life. But over the past couple of years, they have introduced new exciting flavours such as melon, lemon and sorrel which are a delicious spin on the beer that is so well known and loved.

  4. Appleton - What is a trip to Jamaica without a glass of Appleton? The veterans will have it neat or on the rocks but there is no shame in asking your bartender for a fruity cocktail instead.

  5. Punch - A good punch is a staple in Jamaica, especially on a Sunday after dinner. This is usually a milk base with a fruit, vegetable or nuts, as well as oats and the optional addition of a stout or malt drink. On the list of favourites are peanut, banana, pumpkin and breadfruit. If you would like to try any of these, check the recipes here.

  6. Lemonade - You really can’t go wrong with lemonade on a hot day. And there is something especially refreshing when the lemons or limes are picked in your backyard.

  7. Chocolate Tea - You might know this as hot chocolate, but chocolate tea is what it is called here. As the originators of chocolate tea, you really can’t go wrong with a traditional cup of hot chocolate. Just be careful, it often gives the illusion that it is finally cool but it never is.

  8. Tea - No matter how early or late your morning starts, if you are in Jamaica, it needs to start with “something warm” according to our grandparents. This means teas are of utmost importance. You can escape by making it from a tea bag as many of our island favourites are not available in packages. But nothing beats a cup of tea made from freshly cut or dried leaves picked from a tree in the countryside. Peppermint, soursop leaf and fever grass are some of our favourites, these are in the top 15.

  9. Pepsi - Again sodas shouldn’t be had often, but, a Pepsi in Jamaica is worth it sometimes. Don’t expect the taste you are accustomed to back home as Pepsi in Jamaica uses real cane sugar. Some persons have said they prefer the newer version sold outside of Jamaica but don’t knock a cold Jamaican Pepsi until you have tried it. Not only is the taste addictive but we often use it for medicinal purposes as well. A hot Pepsi with salt or nutmeg cures all stomach ailments.

  10. Roots - Jamaicans believe in purging the blood of impurities, building the immune system and improving stamina so the drinking of roots is important. Not every root blend is for the same reason. Some are used as aphrodisiacs, to prevent or control illnesses or to rebuild the immune system. Your local roots man will know what the solution is once you tell him your complaints.

  11. Irish Moss - Also known for its stamina and immune system-building properties. Irish Moss is a favourite among Jamaican men especially who believe wholeheartedly that Irish Moss will prevent them from ever being unable to “perform” as they put it.

  12. Sorrel - You can never go wrong with a glass of sorrel. Traditionally, it is only available during Christmas time but, now you can get bottled versions year round. It is also available in concentrated form but I still think the traditional version is better though. The sorrel petals are boiled, ginger and other spices are added and a “little” rum if you so choose. Christmas is never complete until you have the clear holiday glass filled to the brim with sorrel.

If you were looking for a list with a little more spirit, then you can see our favourite drinks made with Jamaican white rum and if you are travelling with kids, they have their very own Jamaican drink menu to try right here.

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References & Sources For What Drink Is Jamaica Known For

  1. Drinks made with Jamaican rum: 10 of our favourite alcoholic beverages (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: November 22, 2022).
  2. Jamaican drinks: A refreshing blend of flavours-natural, roots, blended (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: November 22, 2022).
  3. Refreshing Jamaican drink recipes - natural & alcoholic (no date) My Island Jamaica. Available at: (Accessed: November 22, 2022).

What Drink Is Jamaica Known For? | Written: November 22, 2022

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