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Beaches In Kingston
7 Surprising Finds In Jamaica's Capital City

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Beaches In Kingston | Hellshire BeachBeaches In Kingston | Hellshire Beach

by Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Jamaica is known for its beautiful sandy beaches and pristine waters. But for those travelling to the island for those reasons, the main cities to head to have always been Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, Negril and more recently, Portland has joined the list. Whenever we think of Kingston, the island’s capital, we think of great restaurants and business places, you know, corporate Jamaica. 

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But the beach and Kingston? Those are two words you seldom hear in the same sentence. Most persons travelling to Kingston are there for business purposes, not a vacation. However, if you too are heading to Kingston and you are not interested in going to another part of the island for the beach, well I am here to inform you that you don’t have to. 

Does Kingston Jamaica have a beach?

Yes! There absolutely are beaches in Kingston, after all, Jamaica is surrounded by water.

These are the beaches that are in Kingston and its surroundings:

1. Lime Cay

Lime Cay is known for its calm, unpolluted seas. For residents of Kingston and neighbouring Portmore, visiting this tiny island is a Sunday ritual.

It is an exquisite spot with a 360-degree perspective, allowing you to glance back at the city of Kingston or out to an unending horizon of blue while you relax in the surf on the gorgeous white sand. It is the nearest beach to downtown Kingston.

There is no other way to get here than by boat. If you don't have a buddy with a boat, many fishermen in the small village of Port Royal will take you out in their canoe, which is an unforgettable experience in and of itself.

2. Hellshire Beach

Hellshire Beach, which is devoid of hotels, attracts locals who come for swimming, sun, and entertainment. Hellshire has a paid and free part, which is known for its open-air concerts and festivals. There are public restrooms, dining places, changing rooms, showers, and picnic tables along the paid part.

There's a roped-off section with lifeguards on duty and plenty of calm water to swim in. Various vendors are serving fried fish and other foods in the free area a little further west.

3. Fort Clarence

Fort Clarence Beach Park, about 5 1/2 miles from Fort Charles and beyond the Portmore settlement, is a big white sand beach with calm water for swimming that is open to the public for a small fee. There are numerous music festivals held throughout the year, as well as the occasional beauty pageant and bodybuilding competition.

Restroom and changing room facilities are accessible and properly kept as part of the commitment to keep our public beaches lovely, with vendors dotted along the beach selling freshly prepared Jamaican dishes that are one of the must-do culinary experiences while in Jamaica. Freshly caught fish, fried and steamed, as well as grilled and curried lobster and conch, are all prepared to order on the spot.

4. Boardwalk Beach

A shady two-story wooden building serves as a restaurant and a place for special events at this modest site. Traditional rustic wooden benches and reclining chairs border the beachfront, only a few meters away. This scenic area is just a little further along the road from the entrance to the Fort Clarence Beach Park and is popular with families and parties.

There is a small entrance fee, free parking in front, and a modest menu featuring wonderful Jamaican beach food staples as well as conventional drinks like Red Stripe and Heineken. Special events are hosted here on occasion.

5. Waves

Waves is a more vibrant environment that encourages patron interaction while also allowing you to relax on your own if that's your preference. They are highly known for their All You Can Eat Crab meal events and offer free Wi-Fi to their clients. They also have a wonderful seafood menu. They will also hold sports evenings, special events, and parties with cable TV.

Waves is located next door to Boardwalk, but it has a distinct vibe. It still includes the signature thatched umbrellas and raw board sun benches, as well as a gorgeous beach for swimming and sunning.

6. Gunboat Beach

Although its water is not suitable for swimming due to pollution, it is deserving of inclusion on our list due to its popularity. For the time being, locals and visitors flock to the beach since it serves as an event location. When partying late into the night, it provides a fantastic view of Kingston Harbour.

7. Fairy Hill

Fairy Hill Beach, also known as Winnifred Beach, is another popular beach in the Kingston area. Fairy Hill Beach, in Port Antonio, is located just past a steep hill and various lagoons and is ideal for a refreshing swim to wash away the salt and sand. The Goblin Hill Villas at San San, about 1.6 miles distant, were the closest accommodations as of 2010.

So while some of these beaches in Kingston, Jamaica aren’t great for swimming, they are all great places for a little relaxation and even some entertainment.

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References & Sources For Beaches In Kingston Jamaica

  1. Beaches in Kingston, Jamaica | USA Today,

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