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 2018 - 2019 Ranking Of High Schools In Jamaica

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2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica - mannings school

Your wait is over!

Thanks to Educate Jamaica, here is the very latest ranking of the high schools in Jamaica - with my personal take on them! 

Let's see if your favorite school is listed this time :-) 
But.... prepare to be surprised! 

New! The 2023 school ranking is out, you can find it here!

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Previous High School Rankings

But who were the best? To review the rankings from the previous, click the links below.

How Are They Awarded?

According to the president of Educate Jamaica, the think tank that publishes this prestigious awards, the "Ivy League Ranking speaks to the performance of schools delivering on 50% or more of their students obtaining 5 or more CSEC passes (including Mathematics and/or English) for the entire cohort."

He indicate that they looked at "each school and calculate the percentage of students, at the end of grade 11, achieving a minimum of 5 CSEC subjects (including Mathematics and/or English) and based on the percentage obtained they are ranked."

It is critical to note however that the percentage of students is calculated based on the cohort and not sittings.  They also took into account the students who achieved passes in their subject (s) prior to grade 11, that is grad 7-10.

The Awards Go To...

But just before I share and final awards, two quick things...

  1. A big salute (again) to the team at Educate Jamaica for the wonderful work they did, and continues to do.

    I can only imagine the effort that goes into this sort of exercise! Well done again team!
  2. I've taken the time to categorize the results to make it a bit easier for you.

The Overall Best - The Top 10

2018 top high schools in Jamaica - top 10

So it's clear, the top school in the island from this report, remains Campion College - two years in a row! Immaculate remains solid at #2.

The biggest movers in the island, certainly in the top 10 are Knox College and Mount Alvernia High, gaining eleven and twelve places to be at #5 and #6 respectively - both rural area schools!

The Remaining Best (Top 45)

2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica - The Next Best 35!

Who Are The Biggest Movers & Shakers?

In addition to Mount Alvernia (12 places)
and Knox College (11 places) who both gained top 10 rankings....

  • Cornwall College (9 places),
  • St. Hugh's (14 places),
  • St. Jago (7 places
  • and The Queens (7 places)

... recorded the biggest climb in the island!

Both Jamaica College and Calabar comes in for some commendation as well. Both improved by 6 places!

Unfortunately, Westwood High (18), Belmont Academy (25) & Gaynstead High (45),  lost 14, 12 and 10 places, respectively to be the top 3 losers.

Who Held Or Improved Places?

In addition to Campion College and Immaculate Conception High that we already highlighted for holding firm to their 1st and 2nd positions respectively, the following schools held firm to their positions...

  • Wolmerโ€™s Boys School (10)
  • Hebert Morrison Technical (29)
  • Denbigh High (31)

The following also are the schools that improved their places this year.

  • Hampton School (4) from (5)
  • Munro College (20) from (21)
  • Meadowbrook High (32) from (34)
  • Clarendon College (36) from (38)
  • St Elizabeth Technical (41) from (43)
  • St Andrew High School for Girls (3) from (6)
  • Manchester High (16) from (19)
  • St  Georgeโ€™s College (24) from (27)
  • Titchfield High (34) from (37)
  • Glenmuir High School (7) from (12)
  • Holy Childhood High (15) from (20)
  • Jamaica College (33) from (39)
  • Calabar High School (39) from (45)
  • St Jago High School (21) from (28)
  • The Queenโ€™s School (23) from (30)

Congrats also to William Knibb Memorial High, Camperdown High & Belair High for making it into the top 45 this time around!

The Best In English Language

English remains a core, and perhaps the most important subject for several reasons. So which schools recorded the highest passes in English?

Drum roll for the esteemed top 10...

2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica by English language passes

Special commendation to St. Hugh's and Munroe who made it here, although not in the overall Top 10 in the island.

The Best High Schools In Jamaica In Mathematics 

And mathematics? Attaining mastery in Mathematics is considered genius. So who are the best in the island based on passes in Mathematics? 

Another drum roll for these, the prestigious top 10...

2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica by Mathematics Passes

Special congratulations to Manchester High and Ardenne High for their achievement here, although not in the overall Top 10.

The Best High Schools In Jamaica Based On Cape Passes

And who are the institutions that gained the most passes in CAPE exams?
Here are the Top 10 based on percentage of cohort passing CSEC 

2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica by Cape passes

And note that only five (5) of them are in the overall Top 10.

  • Clarendon College
  • Convent of Mercy Academy Alpha
  • Mannings School
  • Ardenne High School
  • St Hughโ€™s High

โ€ฆ all gained Top 10 places in this category!


The Best, By Total Number Of Subject Passes (Over Eight)

2018 ranking of high schools in Jamaica with 8 or more subjects

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Overall, good stuff though! Well done to the hard working teachers who engineered much of this, and to who are many times no sufficiently recognized.

Fantastic work!

By the way, do you know someone who might be interested in this ranking report? 

Here is the link to send to them (Just copy and send it):

Or simply forward this page to them via the social media links below.

As usual, welcome your comments here.

Recommended: If not already none, be sure to subscribe here to be one of the first to get the next rankings when they are released.

Final Note ...

Please note that in their latest publication, the president of Educate Jamaica indicated that this (2018) report, will be their last ranking using the current criteria of 5 or more subjects (Mathematics and/or English).

Going forward the ranking criteria will include S.T.E.A.M, Vocational and CAP Programmes.

We look forward to that!! 

Source: Educate Jamaica

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