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Can You Go Out Of Resort In Jamaica?

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ricks_cafe_jamaica_patrons_walkingCan You Go Out Of Resort In Jamaica? | Rick's Cafe

by Sheree-Anita Shearer | Associated Writer

Can you go out of the resort in Jamaica? Yes, you can and it's the best! Don’t stay cooped up at the resort, an island of adventures is waiting for you!

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When people say they’ve visited Jamaica, they usually mean they have been to one of the many all-inclusive resorts on the island. A few days at a resort is always great for relaxing and even we locals don’t mind a mini vacation once in a while.

But, something about going off the resort and venturing around the island makes the trip much more memorable.

Many people think you aren’t allowed to leave the resort to see the “real” Jamaica, but you are free to do so. In fact, many resorts have packages that their guests may book to see some attractions, visit restaurants and even do a little shopping in the area closest to the resort.

Some also arrange excursions for further destinations but even if they don’t countless tour companies will be willing to do so just the same.

Best Ways To Travel Around The Country

By taxi: If you are backpacking across the island, with minimal amounts of luggage then you may be better off travelling as the locals do. As with everything under the sun, there are advantages and disadvantages. Long-term stays on the island can be rather costly to rent a vehicle. Also, if you are familiar with Jamaica, it might be even better for you to fully interact with people and immerse yourself totally into the culture.

For large groups, taxis will almost always be inconvenient. The average taxi fits 4-7 people comfortably, any group larger than this will need two. Also, as unfair as it is, Jamaicans associate accents with money and will take advantage of your ignorance of the taxi system and the cost of the fare. If you aren’t certain about the costs, you might be overcharged.

It can also be a little time-consuming travelling by taxi. They won’t travel with just you unless you are “chartering” or paying for the additional seats in the vehicle. If not, you will have to wait until the taxi has a full load of people going in the direction you are heading.

By private vehicle: There are hardly any disadvantages to renting a vehicle except that it can get costly and if you aren’t a strong driver you may have issues since we drive on the left and unfortunately not all our roads are smooth and well maintained. Other than that, there are no issues. You will have free reign over your time, luggage and the places you visit if you travel alone or with your group.

Tour/Excursion Companies: This is the best if you are a first-time traveller to Jamaica and would prefer to have someone with solid knowledge of the island and attractions to lead the way.

Some larger travel companies not only have a driver, but they have a tour guide as well. They will also book the excursions on your behalf. You will get to ride in style through the island, in air-conditioned and chauffeured comfort.

In smaller companies, the driver will share their knowledge with you anyway. The services range from airport pickups (if your resort does not provide them) to excursions in faraway areas.

Here are some of the best tour/excursion companies in Jamaica:

  1. Chukka Adventures
  2. Island Routes
  3. Reggae Tours
  4. Sunrise Tours
  5. El Sol Vida
  6. SNL Jamaica Tours

You can see our full list of Tour Companies here.

We also have a compact list of taxi services and car rental companies to choose from.

Is it safe to go off the resort in Jamaica?

As with most places in the world, Jamaica has its struggles with crime and violence. That being said, the likelihood of tourists being affected by these issues is slim despite what you may have heard.

Tourist areas especially experience a small percentage of crimes and in most cases, it is petty theft (not that, that is not a serious concern). 71% of crime in Jamaica is gang-related, and 16% is interpersonal compared to the 5% that has been identified as actual crimes against citizens and tourists combined.

Is it safe to go off the resort in Montego Bay Jamaica?

Going off the resort in Montego Bay is one of the best parts of the trip. There are shopping centres that you can visit, beaches, restaurants at every corner and both day and night activities to fill your day with excitement.

The parts of Montego Bay that you should avoid are generally out of reach as there is nothing fun to do. It is advised to be cautious as you are never 100% safe wherever you are in the world, but the likelihood of a crime occurring on the Hip Strip, attractions or in the general tourist area is slim to none.

Is it safe to leave the resort in Negril?

Negril is even safer than Montego Bay, but it is advised that you practice caution when taking taxis as there are quite a few illegal taxis on the road, especially late in the evening.

Most are not out to harm you and are simply taking you from point A to B. However, the issue is that their vehicle may not be licenced to transport passengers but is for personal use only.

Can you walk around Montego Bay?

If you're even just slightly fit you may find it fairly easy to walk to Seven Mile or stroll around West End. That being said, it is better to take a taxi than to walk the narrow stretch between both areas. The journey can be quite long by foot and, it is rather dangerous especially if you are travelling with young kids who may not know the dangers of the road.

Does Jamaica still have a curfew?

How is Jamaica handling Covid? Thankfully, the curfews have been removed and locals and tourists alike are now able to enjoy all the island has to offer without the looming thought that there is a restriction on the amount of time you can spend out each time.

Don’t miss out on the vacation of your life, staying cooped up on a resort when there is an island of adventures waiting. Can you go out of the resort in Jamaica? Yes, you can and it's the best!

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References & Sources For Can You Go Out Of Resort In Jamaica?

  1. Jamaica tours & excursions: Things to do: Visit Jamaica (no date) placeholder. Available at: (Accessed: November 7, 2022).
  2. Wolters, M. (2020) What not to do on your jamaica vacation, Wolters World. Available at: (Accessed: November 7, 2022).

Can You Go Out Of Resort In Jamaica? | Written: November 7, 2022

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