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Jamaican Porridge Recipes
3 Simple Recipes You'll Love

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Jamaican Porridge - Peanut PorridgeJamaican Porridge - Peanut

by Nemonie Cassells | Associate Writer

New! Don't have time to cook, click here try these ready made J'can porridge mixes

Real Jamaicans known there is no better way to start the day than with a haughty breakfast! By now you probably know that we are traditionally, an island of hard working people.

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And back in the days, when the men would have to get up in the wee hours of the morning to go out in the fields, it is the their breakfast that would have to keep them until lunch.

Their wives also,  would have to be up and about for a long day of working too! And one of popular meals to get off to a great start is... wanna guess?

Yes, a nice big bowl of our favorite porridge :-)

I cannot begin to count the number of porridges I have heard about here on the island, but by far the most popular ones are the cornmeal, oats, hominy, banana and peanut porridges.

And guess what?
Yup, I will now share three (3) of my personal recipes with you!

Starting with...

Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Recipe

Cornmeal porridge is by far the most popular of all the porridges here in Jamaica. Like it’s name suggest, it is made from cornmeal and is one of the easiest porridge to prepare. 

It is absolutely delicious! And even better when prepared by grandma on the cold pot! Just imagine yourself in the Jamaican countryside… 

Its early in the morning, but mama is already up and breakfast is prepared.

The windows are open to let in the nice cool breeze and the smell of the morning dew greets as you sit on the kitchen’s back steps.

Your cousins are all there and you are looking out on the mountains.

Everybody is laughing and happy as mama hand each of you a bowl of hot cornmeal porridge and a slice of bread :-)

jamaican_porridge_cornmealJamaican Porridge - Cornmeal

Seriously though, the cornmeal porridge isn’t complete without a slice of bread or excelsior water crackers!! 


  • 1 Cup refined cornmeal
  • Sweetened condensed milk to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon Powder (traditionally, cinnamon leaf is used and boiled in the water before cornmeal is added)
  • Lasco Lasoy (optional)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Add salt to 2 cups of water and set to boil on medium flame
  2. Pour cornmeal and 1 cup of water in blender
    Note: I do this to break the cornmeal down a little more and make it easier and creamier when cooked. You can just chose to soak it, then mix, in a little water if you prefer.
  3. Pour cornmeal and water mixture into boiling water and stir until it thickens
  4. Put stove on lowest flame and stir thicken cornmeal for another minute or two. WARNING: Do not leave pot uncovered if you are stepping away from the stove, the  mixture will boil and shoot out like hot lava splattering and possibly burning you!
  5. Turn off stove. Mix half pack Lasoy in small amount of water until its almost the same consistency of the condensed milk only a little more watery. 
  6. Add Lasoy, vanilla, spices and sweeteners to the cornmeal and mix until all the ingredients are combined. 
  7. Taste porridge to see if it is sweet enough for your liking, if not add more condensed milk or sugar

Jamaican Banana Porridge

jamaican banana porridgeJamaican Porridge - Banana

Banana porridge (well to me) is like a delicacy here in Jamaica. This porridge is not prepared as often as the others.

But whenever banana porridge is prepared and prepared just right, it is my personal belief, that it beats all the other porridges buy a long shot!

Here’s my recipe!


  • 5 green Bananas
  • Sweetened condensed milk to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Cinnamon leaf
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 Cup flour
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Coconut powder


  1. Add salt and cinnamon leaf to 2 cups of water then set to boil on medium flame
  2. Add 2 cups of water, green bananas, coconut powder and flour in blender and blend until smooth and creamy
  3. Remove cinnamon leaf then add banana mixture to boiling water while stirring
  4. Stir continuously until porridge thickens
  5. Turn down flame to the lowest. Add spices and sweeteners to porridge and mix together until well blended then stir for another minute
  6. Turn off flame. Serve hot and enjoy with bread or crackers while hot.

Jamaican Peanut Porridge

jamaican_porridge_peanutsJamaican Porridge - Peanut

Peanut Porridge, Jamaican style, is very popular with the locals (especically the men) and is definitely a favorite!

You can find “porridge men” selling peanut porridge all over the major towns especially in the mornings.

Here’s my recipe!


  • 1 1/2 Cups Raw Peanuts
  • 1 Cup Oatmeal
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon 
  • 2 tsp Vanilla
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg


  1. Add salt to 2 cups of water then set to boil on medium flame
  2. Blend Oatmeal and raw peanut in blender in two cups of water
  3. Pour mixture in boiling water while stirring. Stir until thicken n smooth 
  4. Turn flame to the lowest and stir for another minute . Add Vanilla, spices and sweeteners to taste. Mix well. 
  5. Stir for another two minutes. Turn off flame and serve hot with bread or crackers. 

Jamaican Rice Porridge

This is a rare one, certainly compared to the rest above, but this porridge it was one of my favorites growing up.

It is made with left over rice and is similar in taste to the hominy corn porridge. I thought I’d share it with you as another way to use up your left over rice. Here’s my recipe!


  • 1 Cup left over rice
  • 1/2 Cup flour
  • Sugar to taste
  • Sweetened Condense Milk to taste
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  •  1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder


  1. Put left over rice in pot and add 1 1/2 cups of water then set to bowl on medium flame
  2. Mix flour in 1 cup of water until there is no lump, then add to boiling water
  3. Mix until mixture thickens
  4. Turn flame to the lowest then add Vanilla, Spices and sweeteners.
  5. Turn off flame. Serve and Enjoy while hot.
  6. Also check out…
  7. Hominy Corn Porridge
  8. Plantain Porridge

See, all  pretty simple right? Now go and enjoy trying these sumptuous Jamaican porridge recipes!

By the way, are you strapped for time to prepare them?
Below are my recommendations of already pre-ready Jamaican porridge mixes.

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