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Jamaica and Jamaicans are the most beautiful

by Michael Thompson
(Kingston 20)

Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question:

I have chosen to spend the entire half century of my life in Jamaica. I take pride in supporting all activities which elevate my native land.

In Jamaica there are natural flora and fauna which are beautiful to admire. I have seen flowers here in every hue of the rainbow. We literally have hundreds of types of tasty fruits which grow here, some of which will be ripe in whichever month you have a need. We have a very great variety of animals, both small and large, but none of which are dangerous to humans.

Our female Jamaicans tickle the imagination and all my senses. If I am ever having a bad day, I purchase a cool drink and take a comfortable seat where I can admire the female of my specie pass by. I see; slim ones, well covered sisters, some large in posterior but slender in legs, some well endowed in the tits dept, and some with lengthy, slender necks.

I have even seen some with a rear end on which a glass of water can stand without spill, as she walks.

It is unfortunate that our leaders have not been able to capture the full extent of the creative genius of the majority of our population, and have it used to the general benefit of our people.

This leads to the Anancy being released in the business place, schools, government and even in church.

Nevertheless, whether it is the Marley in music, the lightening Bolt on the track, Miss Lou on the stage or mama making run-dung or stew-peas, we have made our mark locally or internationally as a talented people.


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