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Jamaican Forum & Feedback Corner
Welcome To November's (2017) 
Feedback Question Of The Month

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November's (2017) Feedback Question...

jamaican_forum_tourist_at_emancipation_park_gleaner_photoJamaican Tourists at Emancipation Park in Kingston, Jamaica (Jamaica Gleaner Photo)

Congrats To... Sophia of Portmore, Jamaica! 

Her submission... Why People Love Jamaica won the featured position.

With a myriad of social issues, one would (from the outset) never guess that Jamaica would remain the cherished darling of the Caribbean - year after year

In fact, according to Jamaica Tourist Board latest data from its August 2017 monthly statistical report...

"Stopover arrivals in August 2017 were a record 192,878, an increase of 14.1% over the 169,023 recorded in August 2016. 

For the first four months of summer, May to August, arrivals increased by 9.9%, with 834,292 stopovers compared to 759,164 in 2016.

Cumulatively, January to August 2017, stopover arrivals increased by 6.1%, with 1,625,257 arrivals compared to 1,532,272 in 2016." Read more

That is astounding! And the forecast is even better! A lead story in the September 26 (2017) issue of the Jamaica Gleaner suggests that visitor arrivals will double this year! question to you is this...

What (In Your Mind) Makes Jamaica So Special? So Loved And Adored By Many Across The Globe? 

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Remember: The featured feedback also wins a cool $25USD gift certificate redeemable from a list of top brands including:

  • Google play store, 
  • app store and itunes, 
  • BestBuy, 
  • Autozone, 
  • Kids r Us, 
  • American Airlines, 
  • Addidas and more! See the complete list here.

(Feedback Submission Deadline - November 30, 2017)
(Award Selection- December 5, 2017)

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Feedback Submission Guidelines

The rules are pretty easy, for example, we ask that you:

  • Keep it clean, no gore, hatred,racism, sex or violence.
  • Respect of others (and self) is mandatory.
  • Be detailed in your feedback submission. A detailed write-up will increase your chances of getting featured!
  • Click Here for the complete list of rules and limitations.

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I (and the rest of our attentive Jamaican online community) would love to hear from you!

Yes, what are the factors, systems, assets or entities that makes Jamaica so loved by persons - all across the globe?

  • Is it our language and/or culture?
  • Is it our sports or our sport stars?
  • Our food? Our coffee? Or envied Jamaican rum?
  • Is it our beaches? Or the pulsating reggae music?
  • Or is it our people?
  • Is it our strategic location?
  • Or perhaps it is something else?

What say you? And why do you say so? What evidence or experience do you have to support that?

Humble Suggestion: Please write & save your submission in Notepad, Microsoft Word or any other text editor first. That way, if there is a technical glitch, you won't have to rewrite it.

Of course, if you encounter any issues submitting, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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Here Is What Others Like You Have Said

Click below to see the submissions from others like you on this feedback question.

What Makes Jamaica Special To Me 
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question Lots to love about Jamaica, where do I start. Every year I go to Jamaica Iโ€™m being kissed by the beautiful …

Why I Love Jamaica? Here Is Why 
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: There are so many things to love about Jamaica that it would be far easier to write about what one …

Why people love Jamaica 
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I love Jamaica because of its competitiveness towards education and sports. For example, there's junior and senior …

Jamaica, Jamaica  
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I love Jamaica because of the welcoming atmosphere, itโ€™s a different kind of feeling when u step off the plane. …

Why I Love Jamaica 
RE: What Makes Jamaica Special It is not easy to explain why โ€œI love Jamaicaโ€ is such a reality for me, but I will make an attempt... Firstly, …

Jamaica a God blessed Nation  Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question Jamaica has a deep cultural center and the people are diverse. Jamaica have some of the most spirited …

The Culture And The People Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Jamaica despite its varied problem is still the place I call home and where many visitors are drawn to. Take …

Why i love my Jamaica Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question As a Jamaican i cannot express how happy i am when i hear great things about my country. But the …

Jamaica - Sun, Rum and Buds Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I love Jamaica because it people skin has been KISSED by the sun,I love Jamaica because of its wealth of different …

Why do I love Jamaica?  Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question. Why do I love Jamaica? How much time do you have? First of all, Jamaica is, indeed, an island …

Jamaica Nice Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question. First of all Jamaica is the land off my birth. Whenever go anywhere in the US and tell anyone …

The people are the best part of Jamaica Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I had always dreamed about going to Jamaica and immediately fell in love with the people as soon as I stepped off …

I love you Jamaica just because.... Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I love you (JAMAICA) just because I hear and see on the television all the crude things happening daily. …

What Makes Jamaica Really Special? Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special feedback question. I was born there :-) The strength / resilience of its diverse peoples. The climate …

Jamaica and Jamaicans are the most beautiful Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: I have chosen to spend the entire half century of my life in Jamaica. I take pride in supporting …

My Jamaica Experience  Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: What makes Jamaica special is the love from its people. Jamaica is one of the most gorgeous place …

Why Jamaica is special to me Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: I left Jamaica 1975 with my sister to join my parents and other sisters in England. Even though …

Jamaica - My Heritage Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Jamaica is so special to me because it is the birthplace of my ancestors. I love our rich culture and diversity. …

Love, Love, Love JAMAICA Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I love Jamaica, not just for the fact that I am married to a Jamaican but the people and the country are one of a kind. …

what makes jamaica special Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special 1 our Geographical location 2 our people 3 our culture 4 our food 5 beautiful beaches and scenery 6 our …

Jamaica Land of my birth, my heritage  Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special JAMAICA is the beautiful land of my birth, where GOD placed my parents and my predecessors as my mother told me from …

Jamaica moving people! Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special The question, why do I like Jamaica, more to the point, why I love her? Seriously, I really do not have an answer. …

Jamaica the Best Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Jamaica. Jamaica my get away zone. My comfort zone. There is not place like this place anywhere in the world. …

Home is where the heart is! Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I can tell you that when the airplane is approaching Jamaica and I can see the mountains and the blue Caribbean …

Click here to write your own.

What make Jamaica so special Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special What makes Jamaica special is who we are. As a Nation, we are united, but different, achieving, godly, professional, …

The Jamaican beauty and peace of mind Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special My wife and I travel to Jamaica whenever possible to enjoy the scenic beauty of the island, as well as the tranquility …

It's my yard :-) Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special The people is why I love Jamaica, the food and the relaxing vibe of the country.

Diversity is what makes Jamaica special Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: Jamaica is special to me because I share the legacy of the diversity that Jamaica represents. …

The Food And The Interaction Is Why I Love Jamaica Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Feedback Question: There are a lot of things that make Jamaica endearing to me, but two things stand out the most: …

Big Up Luv JA Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Wellesley- I love Jamaica for all of its being - the wonderful people the beautiful sun the craziness the true sadness …

My Homeland Jamaica Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special What reallyh makes Jamaica Special. Jamaica is a beautiful island, it's climate is welcoming. Jamaicans are …

Beautiful Country  Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special I simply love the beauty of the country, the beaches and mountains are breathtaking, I also very much lover the …

The people is really what makes Jamaica special. Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special The people is who really makes Jamaica special. They give it all to make your stay in Jamaica the best experience …

Our people and culture Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special One thing about Jamaica is we are a warm and friendly set of persons. We bring a different vibe wherever we …

The beauty of this land Not rated yet
Re: What Makes Jamaica Special Jamaica for me is the most beautiful place I've ever been, considering until I met my co worker I'd never been outside …

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