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How To Apply For An H2B Visa In Jamaica?

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work and travel.jpgHow To Apply For An H2B Visa In Jamaica?

By Venesha Johnson | Associate Writer

Living in Jamaica, itโ€™s the dream of many to be able to go overseas, especially to the U.S., to work and earn more. While we all know itโ€™s a possibility, and we probably all know atleast one person who has been on a work and travel program, the information for getting on these programs always seems to be a bit unavailable. So what is the H2B visa, and how do you get one and get on the program?

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So, the H-2B visa is a temporary work visa for non-agricultural workers. It allows U.S. employers to hire foreign nationals, like us locals, for seasonal or short-term work. It caters to industries like hospitality, construction, food service, landscaping, and others that demand temporary workers. This visa is essential for U.S. employers who require an additional workforce during peak seasons or for specific projects.

The H2B program has two seasons: the summer and winter seasons.

Summer Season: The summer season starts on April 1st and lasts until around October or November. Many U.S. employers in industries like tourism and hospitality require additional staff during this period.

Winter Season: The winter season starts on October 1st. Employers in industries such as landscaping and construction often require more workers during this time.

Applying for the H-2B Visa in Jamaica

Unlike with regular visiting visas, you donโ€™t just sign up for an H2B visa and head to the embassy for an interview. There are a series of steps you will need to take before you get to that point.

  1. Research U.S. Employers and Agencies: You will need to start by looking for U.S. employers or agencies that recruit foreign workers for temporary, non-agricultural jobs under the H-2B visa program. Some agencies specialise in connecting Jamaican workers with U.S. employers.
  2. Register with an Agency: If you choose to use an agency, start by visiting their website to register. For example, E-Jam, an H-2B recruitment agency, provides a registration process for Jamaican candidates. Below are images of registered agencies in Jamaica.
  3. Application Process: Follow the registration and application procedures provided by the agency. The process typically includes submitting personal information, work experience, and documentation for identity verification.
  4. Interview and Job Offer: After you submit your application, the agency may schedule interviews with potential employers. If successful, you'll receive a job offer.
  5. Visa Application: Once you have a job offer secured, you can apply for the H-2B with a job offer visa. Your employer or agency will guide you through the necessary steps, including applying at the U.S. embassy or consulate in Jamaica and providing supporting documents such as the job offer, passport, and proof of identity.

Here are some agencies to consider:

E-Jam is a leading H-2B recruitment agency that connects U.S. employers with qualified Jamaican candidates. It recruits for a range of industries, including hotels, construction, and food services.

Journey Abroad Services agency helps Jamaicans find H-2B opportunities in the United States. Their process involves registration, interviews, and job placement. They are among some of the most popular agencies on the island.

JTP Agency is an ethical recruitment agency that assists foreign workers seeking H-2B, H-2A, and TN Visa employment opportunities in the United States.

Applicants typically register with these agencies, provide personal information, and complete the required forms. The agency then connects the applicant with potential employers. After securing a job offer, applicants proceed with the H-2B visa application, following the U.S. embassy or consulate's guidelines.

While going through an agency is more accessible, as they will find employers for you, it is usually more expensive. Some agencies charge upwards of USD 2000; others take a small percentage of your salary once you start working. But remember, you also have the option of getting in touch with employers directly. Most employers will reimburse you for any money spent on airfare, visas, etc. is a popular website that posts vacant positions by h2b employers and is a great place to start your job hunt.

Overall, the H-2B visa provides an opportunity for Jamaican workers to gain valuable experience in the U.S. while fulfilling a critical need for seasonal employment. The process isnโ€™t easy, so it is best to start early.

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References & Sources For How To Apply For An H2B Visa In Jamaica?

  1. H2B, H2A & TN Visa Recruitment Agency. Connecting Foreign Workers with US Employers. (n.d.).
  2. H2B Journey Abroad Services Limited | Jamaica. (n.d.). Journey Abroad.
  3. Jobs in Jamaica, Caribbean Jobs & International Recruitment  | - H2B Employers. (n.d.).
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