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information about Jamaica

by Koen

Information about Jamaica


We are looking for information about Jamaica.

Itโ€™s for a school project; We must tell about an English speaking country and we choose Jamaica, because we love Jamaica.
We come from the Netherlands (Europe) (If you know that country, because itโ€™s very small)

But we havenโ€™t been there and we donโ€™t have all the correct information.
So we have a question:

Can you give us some information about the following topics:

  • What kind of sports does the people in Jamaica play? Whatโ€™s the famous one?
  • How could you describe the landscape of Jamaica?
  • Which things to see are a must in Jamaica?
  • Could you describe a typical day of an Jamaican?

We visited your site and saw a lot of information about Jamaica.

The information we found on your site is very good and useful.

We hope you answer this letter.

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Answer: Feb-20-2009 by Wellesley Gayle

Hi Koen,

Thanks for visiting the website and thanks for the question.

Yes, I am excited that the site was of help to you.

There are already pages on this site that will be able to provide much of this infromation.

You can start with the facts about Jamaica page.
It will provide you very useful links to a lot of background infromation on our country.

You can find information on Sport in Jamaica here.

For must see places in Jamaica, visit this page.

For information on the landscape, please visit map of Jamaica page and location of Jamaica.

So what's a typical day for a Jamaican?

Very interesting question!

It depends on who. Jamaica is still a developing country and so you while you can expect many of have rural/ agricultural means of income, the larger percentage is in industrial and service type jobs, ranging from bauxite and manufacturing to information technology and tourism.

In addition to the page I refered to you first, take a look at the Jamaican economy as well.

I hope that helps.


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