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Griffiths remains steadfast and readies debut album ‘Dmagri’s Anthology; Nah Give up!’ for local release.

Griffiths, completed his debut album early last year and delivered a timeless album launch in April for international fans which was greatly received. However, he decided to take some time off to finalize his album, the launch and his team. Now, Griffiths is ready to release his debut ‘Dmagri’s Anthology’ locally.

During an interview with Mr. Griffiths, he revealed the meaning of the album’s title, "Dmagri is the abbreviation for my name ‘Dwayne Marieco Griffiths’ and the title means the testimony and growth of my relationship in Christ."

He further explained that the album is very relatable and both Christians and non-Christians will be able to identify with the songs.

It was revealed that the production is not the typical “Gospel album”, it is an authentic gospel-reggae album; the rhythm depicts ‘reggae’, from beginning through end, the album is reggae.

The beats however, don’t overpower the message which most times are the case for typical ‘gospel-reggae’ albums. The lyrics are real, the words are wise and the messages are identifiable.

Dmagri’s Anthology; Nah Give Up is a first class production, says Dwayne Griffiths, "it has produced some epic records such as ‘Change’, a social related record about violence and abuse towards children with a minor dancehall vibe, ‘Blessed’ is a more thanksgiving type of vibe expressing confidence and faith, ‘Nah Give Up’ is the conclusion of my testimony, it sums up everything, I am remaining steadfast "Mi Nah Give Up".

When asked what he hopes to achieve with this album, Griffiths replied "to bring a new change in gospel music and to be recognized as the ‘Gospel Bob Marley’" (laughing).

For further information on Dwayne Griffiths, contact his management at

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