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The Daughters of Society Limited

by Daney-Ann Thomas
(Buff Bay Portland)

The Daughters of Society; uniting delicate hands to raise a strong nation...

The Daughters of Society; uniting delicate hands to raise a strong nation...

The Daughters of Society is a Non-Government Organization that has been active since November 2004.

We have made significant improvements on the lives of the citizens of west Portland thus far and anticipate accomplishing much more.

Our focus ranges from assistance with individual educational tenures; to equipping hundreds of young minds with the books and skills necessary to ensure bright futures.

It is impossible to measure the effect of any singular gesture on a life, and so, we have stuck to our resolve to stay the course of facilitating continuous development within the parish; with hopes to one day attain equity as it relates to securing the resources necessary to shape sharp, young minds.

Our society has been plagued with complacency and scarcity of independent thought but we have managed to combat this issue head-on through many of our social projects. We have successfully reintroduced the “Football Corner league Competition,” and have launched our annual “Community Sports Day” while reinforcing our message of self worth and civic responsibility at public meetings and seminars. We are grateful these events have proven great success.

While we can proudly say we have paved the way for other groups to follow the trend and revive the ailing sports and practices that help to shape character; we recognize the need to grow and further establish ourselves as a legitimate organization in order to attract better support from those who share our vision and wish to contribute to our cause.

We therefore extend a hearty welcome to all, as we continue to seek assistance in "uniting delicate hands to raise a strong nation."

The Daughters of Society; uniting delicate hands to raise a strong nation...

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Apr 22, 2011
Daughters of Society
by: Rachael Graham

There should be an Organisation such as this in every parish in Jamaica.
A I say, Education is Vital We are never too old to learn and never too young to Understand.

Keep up the Good works and keep spreading the word to the other Communities,
Stay Blessed

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